Global økonomi

DIIS forsker i privat kapitals betydning for udviklingsprocesser, nye økonomiers rolle i udviklingsfinansiering og investeringer i olie og gas.

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • Chinese coast guard in the South China Sea
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar takes stock of tensions in the South China sea. Leading experts will discuss the geopolitical, legal and economic implications of current developments
  • Illustration of William Pitt and Napoleon Bonaparte cutting the world
    DIIS Auditorium
    Past, present and future
  • Risk game
    DIIS, auditorium
    Geopolitiske trusler og udfordringer har fyldt meget i den offentlige debat de seneste år. Men hvad handler debatten egentlig om? Hvad består de geopolitiske trusler og udfordringer i? Kom til DIIS seminar og få tryktestet disse spørgsmål
  • Data
    Online Zoom meeting
    This webinar takes stock of the concept of Data Colonialism to understand contemporary links between data, capitalism, and global inequality
  • collage postpandemic
    DIIS, in front of the auditorium
    Interrogating the implications of “tech for good” that quantifiy and commodify information about the poor
  • Ship and boats with immigrants
    DIIS Auditorium
    What does it mean to rescue at sea? And how does it feel to be rescued? This seminar sheds light on the work of Doctors without Borders on the current situation on the deadliest migration route in the world, the Mediterranean Sea
  • South China sea disputes, water cannon against Philippines
    DIIS, Auditorium
    Viewed as an important strategic waterway from a regional and global perspective, the South China Sea has long constituted a critical arena for various maritime and territorial disputes that are now resurfacing.
  • Bogforside af Lars Erslev
    Reception fra kl. 17.00-18.00
    I anledning af udgivelsen af bogen 'Den amerikanske mission. Mytologi og magt' af Lars Erslev Andersen organiserer DIIS seminar om USA’s globale rolle i en verdensorden under hastig forandring. Seminaret bliver efterfulgt af reception, der samtidig markerer, at Lars Erslev Andersen 4. juli kunne fejre 40 års jubilæum i statens tjeneste.
  • kenya food distribution via fingerprint tech system
    DIIS Auditorium
    How do NGOs use algorithms and data-driven tools for predictive analysis in their humanitarian response?
  • US-China tech
    DIIS Auditorium
    From climate change to artificial intelligence, China will need to play an important role if the world is to meet its mounting ecological and technological challenges. But how should we balance cooperation and competition with an assertive China?
  • Ministry of Livestock, Somaliland
    DIIS Auditorium
    A retrospective seminar with and for senior researcher Finn Stepputat
  • Livestreaming
    DIIS Auditorium
    When disaster strike, diaspora groups are often first responders and remain engaged during lengthy and complex crises. Join this roundtable where we discuss practices, possibilities and pitfalls
  • Trade makes states book cover
    DIIS Auditorium
    The control of trade and transport is key to statemaking. A new book suggests that this, rather than the control of people and territory, can make or unmake state projects in areas like Somalia. This seminar introduces the ideas behind the book
  • Putin and Xi meeting Moscow
    Researcher explains why great powers like China and India challenge international order.
  • Poster - seminar In search of a new social order
    DIIS Auditorium
    How to develop societies that benefit the weakest sections in the Global North as well as in the Global South? What are the possibilities of anti-capitalist democratic development?
  • Indo-Pacific map
    DIIS Auditorium
    Asiens geopolitiske landkort er under hastig forandring i takt med at stormagtsrivaliseringen mellem USA og Kina intensiveres - implikationerne for Europa og Danmark er vidtrækkende.
  • City in China with beautiful sky
    Beijing’s position on the war in Ukraine and their building of strong partnerships in Central Asia can give us some of the answer
  • Diis book cover road block politics with picture of military stopping truck for check
    DIIS Auditorium
    Book launch and reception on new book by Peer Schouten
  • ascension_sexdukke
    Interview/Docs & Talks
    Markedsøkonomien kører for fuld skrue i det gigantiske rige i øst – støttet og kontrolleret af en stærk, autoritær regering. De rige bliver rigere, uden det har haft så stor spillover effekt på de fattige, som styret havde håbet på. Derfor har den kinesiske ledelse kigget mod både Danmark, Singapore og Tyskland for inspiration til at mindske uligheden.
  • book How China Loses by Luke Patey
    Al Jazeera (Arabic) interviewed DIIS senior researcher Luke Patey about his new book, "How China Loses: The Pushback against Chinese Global Ambitions", and China’s relations across the world
  • US and china tech battle
    This webinar brings together two of Europe’s leading experts on China and technology to discuss the US-China tech race and the consequences for Europe
  • Ronald Reagan at Durenberger Rally by Michael Evans
    DIIS Auditorium
    Book talk on human rights, democracy promotion, and U.S. interventionism in the late Cold War
  • writing on the wall what type of democracy is this
    DIIS auditorie
    Et kig på den globale demokratiske recession
  • No drones
    DIIS - Auditorium
    Hør Google, Facebook, Danmarks Tech-ambassadør og Institut for Menneskerettigheder diskutere hvordan vi sikrer, at ny teknologi understøtter demokrati og civilsamfund verden over
  • Myanmar demonstration
    Debatwebinar om den danske indsats i Myanmar