The Defence and Security Studies at DIIS

The Defence and Security Studies are carried out by DIIS for the Danish Ministry of Defence.

The aim of these studies is to provide multidisciplinary in-depth knowledge on topics that are central for Danish defence and security policy, both currently and in the long term.

This site is for our English-speaking audience and it only contains publications and activities in English. For a complete list of publications and activities, please visit the Danish version of the site

DANCON Irak juni 2004. Foto:
Read more (in Danish)

Projekterne på FSPS2024 afdækker en bred vifte af emner med relevans for Danmarks sikkerhed, hvoraf flere har afsæt i den aktuelle situation i Ukraine, og ligger inden for fem overordnede temaer:  

  1. Ruslands invasion af Ukraine
  1. Østersøen, Arktis og nordisk forsvarssamarbejde
  1. Ny teknologi og dansk sikkerhedspolitik
  1. Europæisk forsvarssamarbejde og NATO
  1. Usikkerhed og terrorisme i Nordafrika og Mellemøsten 
Contact (in Danish)

Spørgsmål om strategisk projektkoordinering, kontakt seniorforsker og FSPS-programleder Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke:

Spørgsmål om administration, kontakt seniorcontroller og administrativ FSPS-koordinator Jette


Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke
Head of unit, Senior researcher
+45 3269 8938
Jette Albrechtsen
Senior Controller
+45 6185 1543

Research and activites


Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke
Foreign policy and diplomacy
Head of unit, Senior researcher
+45 3269 8938
Jette Albrechtsen
Senior Controller
+45 6185 1543