South Sudan's pipeline problem

Exploring the prospects of a new oil pipeline in East Africa

Across South Sudan demonstrations have been held in support of President Salva Kiir's decision to shutdown its 350,000-barrel daily oil production. This came after Sudan’s confiscation of several shipments through the only existing pipeline out of the landlocked country, and as ongoing negotiations on a possible transit fee for South Sudan's oil have failed. The bold decision has led to a rivival of the 30 year-old dream to break economic dependence on Sudan and build an oil pipeline to Kenya.

Luke Patey blogs on African Arguments about the challenges facing South Sudan's pipeline plans. Read the blog here.

Luke Patey is also co-editor of Sudan Looks East: China, India, and the Politics of Asian Alternatives, which was launch last week at the Royal African Soceity.

Buy the book from James Currey, Amazon UK, or Amazon US.

DIIS Experts

Luke Patey
Foreign policy and diplomacy
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5479