
Diis event

Chinese involvement in the Arctic minerals sector

What motivates Chinese companies - and their Western counterparts?
Mining machinery in Greenland
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Globally, Chinese companies - small and large; private, state-owned, and hybrids - play important roles in all phases of minerals extraction and processing. And Chinese control over supply chains of “green minerals” – minerals of vital importance for the green transition – have raised concerns over supply security in Western countries. Expectations for Chinese investments in mining have been central to Greenlandic plans for further independence from Denmark. However, China's Arctic ambitions is one important reason for the US rethinking its approach to the region.

Threatening scenarios abound. But what are the facts on the ground? And where should we be focusing our concerns? How much Chinese involvement is there really in Arctic mining? Is there a master plan? Do Chinese companies invest to seek profit, to lock up resources or for geopolitical reasons? And why do Western companies invite Chinese investors?

At the webinar, two DIIS publications will be presented:
- a new policy brief, “Chinese companies in Arctic mining are gaming the masterplan. But Western needs often drive Chinese involvement” in English and in Greenlandic.

- a recent report: "Chinese investments in Greenland: origins, progress and actors".

Patrik Andersson, researcher, DIIS
Per Kalvig, senior researcher (retired), GEUS
Yang Jiang, senior researcher, DIIS
Ulrik Pram Gad, senior researcher, DIIS

14.00-14.05     Introduction, Ulrik Pram Gad
14.05-14.20     Inadequate supply chains in the West main reasons
for bottlenecks, Per Kalvig
14.20-14.35     Chinese involvement in the Arctic mineral sector, Patrik Andersson and Per Kalvig
14.35-14.50     Chinese investments in Greenland: origins, progress and actors, Yang Jiang
When language games backfire: Case studies from Arctic mining, Patrik Andersson
15.05-15.30     Q&A

Recorded Monday 23 May 2022, 14.00-15.30 at Zoom

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23 May 2022 14:00–15:30

DIIS Experts

Yang Jiang
Sustainable development and governance
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5560
Ulrik Pram Gad
Global security and worldviews
Senior Researcher
+45 6088 5559