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Locally-led climate change adaptation: From principles to practice

Climate change adaptation in the Global South is urgent. Locally-led approaches are gaining momentum. But what does that mean in practice and does it work? This webinar launches a new DIIS report on lessons from locally-led adaptation in East Africa
Locally-led Adaptation report and pb cover

Find the recording of the webinar on YouTube here

Climate change adaptation is a major global challenge and key to securing livelihoods and economies in the Global South.

Locally-led adaptation aims to empower citizens and local governments in climate change adaptation by giving them influence on how climate funds should be spent and what projects should do. The approach consist of a framework of key principles - endorsed by over 120 organisations globally - which aim to ensure that adaptation is effective, equitable and transparent.

But what does locally-led adaptation look like in practice? And does it actually work on the ground? Limited knowledge exists on experiences with implementation of the approach on the ground, especially in relation to water which is critical in adaptation.

This webinar presents findings from a collaborative study of locally-led adaptation in water initiatives in East Africa's drylands. Drawing on a study of six water projects in Kenya and Tanzania, the study has examined progress on the ground and assessed challenges and opportunities for the different components of locally-led adaptation.

The webinar will bring together researchers from DIIS, University of Dar Es Salaam and Kenyatta University to discuss what locally-led adaptation means in practice, in general and within the water sector. The presenters will discuss the outcomes on the ground, how progress can be assessed, and how donors, governments and civil society actors can help support locally-led adaptation.

A DIIS Report and Policy Brief from the study will be made available at www.diis.dk prior to the webinar.


Claire Bedelian, Researcher, DIIS
Judith Mulwa, PhD Researcher, Kenyatta University
Beatrice Sumari, PhD Researcher, University of Dar Es Salaam
Peter Rogers, PhD Researcher, University of Dar Es Salaam
Mikkel Funder, Senior Researcher, DIIS


13.00-13.05     Welcome
13.05-13.20     Locally-led adaptation: from principles to practice in the water sector - key findings from the new DIIS Report
13.20-13.45     Case studies of locally-led adaptation in Kenya and Tanzania

The webinar was held and recorded on 17 April 2024, 13.00-14.00 via Zoom.

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17 April 2024 13:00–14:00
Online via Zoom

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