
Documentary on short distance migration

GCM research in Ethiopia shows that climate change has multiple effects on people's livelihoods. It also shows migration to be one among other coping mechanisms, albeit no direct cause-effect relationship can be established.
Climate change induced short distance migration

This documentary is based on research carried out by Forum for Social Studies (FSS) in Addis Ababa in collaboration with the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). It presents the local context through focusing on the lives of women and men in and around Shashemene and then describes how some move to nearby towns to engage in various income generating activities in attempts to cope with difficult circumstances.

The documentary also presents more general issues stemming from the research and policy conclusions.

You can watch the documentary here (extern link, Google Drive)

DIIS Experts

Ninna Nyberg Sørensen
Migration and global order
Senior Researcher
+45 3269 8961