Luke Patey is new Senior Researcher on Natural Resources & Development

DIIS strenghtens research on extractive economies and the role of China in Africa

Luke Patey joins the research area on Natural Resources and Development as a senior researcher.  His research focuses on the impact of high-value natural resources (oil, gas, minerals) on politics, development, and conflict in Africa, with particular attention to the political economy of oil in Sudan and South Sudan. He is also a specialist on the international expansion of Chinese and Indian national oil companies and Chinese and Indian energy security.

Luke Patey’s policy work has centered on oil governance in Sudan and South Sudan and engaging China as a development partner in Africa. In his new position he will examine the impact of new extractive economies on development in Africa, the growing role of China and India in resource-rich countries of the global south, and how multinational corporations from emerging powers are adapting to political risk in their overseas operations.

Patey is author of the upcoming book The New Kings of Crude: China, India, and the Global Struggle for Oil in Sudan and South Sudan (Hurst, 2013). He has also written for The Guardian and The Hindu and is co-editor of Sudan Looks East: China, India and the Politics of Asian Alternatives (James Currey, 2011). Patey has appeared as a guest on the BBC World Service, Radio France, Voice of America, and the Danish Broadcasting Corporation

He has also been a visiting scholar at Peking University (Beijing), the Social Science Research Council (New York), and the Centre d'études et de recherches internationales (Paris). He holds a BSc in commerce from Queen’s University, an MSc in business and development studies and a PhD from the Copenhagen Business School

DIIS Experts

Luke Patey
Foreign policy and diplomacy
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5479