Tunisia's Evolutionary Revolution

Rasmus Boserup and Fabrizio Tassinari write for CNN.com, Al Jazeera, and Le Figaro

Senior Researcher Fabrizio Tassinari and researcher Rasmus Alenius Boserup wrote a widely syndicated article on Tunisia's democratic transition ahead of elections for a constituent assembly on 23 October. In the article, the authors argue that ten months after the collapse of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's authoritarian regime, Tunisia has produced a remarkable balancing act between the revolutionary urge for change and a pragmatic need for continuity. As a result, the country that ignited the “Arab Awakening” is emerging as a regional paradigm for a stable democratic transition

Different version of the article have been distributed, inter alia, to: CNN.com, Al Jazeera.net, Le Figaro, Foreign Policy, Weekendavisen, and openDemocracy.

Further info: FTA@diis.dk

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