
DIIS event

Which world order does China want?

Beijing’s position on the war in Ukraine and their building of strong partnerships in Central Asia can give us some of the answer
City in China with beautiful sky
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We often hear about China as an important new security threat that in line with Russia threatens the liberal world order we know. But we seldom talk about what kind of world order China is officially working to promote. This seminar will change that.

Three researchers in international relations will offer their knowledge about China’s world view and acting in the world. We will focus on the war in Ukraine and what position China has taken towards Russia and the war. And we will talk about how China has expanded their activities and partnerships in Central Asia. A region that with the Ukraine-war has and will become more important for Europe in the future regarding supply of energy and minerals.

Just a few weeks ago the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held their annual conference in Samarkand in Uzbekistan. This organization is a regional forum China uses to strengthen their position and partnerships in southern and Central Asia. At the seminar we will give an overview of what this organization embodies and how it is used e.g. to work toward the world order China envisions.

We will also discuss China’s no interference policy and how that makes a lot of low- and middle-income countries e.g. in Central Asia interested in partnering with China and what the West might learn from this.

James M. Dorsey, senior fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)
James M. Dorsey is a Senior Fellow focused on the Middle East and North Africa who publishes widely in peer-reviewed journals as well as non-academic publications. A veteran, award-winning foreign correspondent for four decades in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Europe and the United States for publications such as The Wall Street JournalThe New York Times and the Financial Times, James has met a multitude of the region’s leaders.

Yang Jiang, senior researcher, DIIS
Yang Jiang does research on China's political economy and foreign policy.

Lars Erslev Andersen, senior researcher, DIIS

Lars Erslev Andersen does research on worldviews of competing world orders and geopolitical consequences of China’s increasing engagement in Central Asia and the Middle East.

9.00-9.30         Arrival and coffee

9.30-9.50         Welcome and introduction to todays topic: What kind of world does China envision and how do we see it in the way they act in the world already? Lars Erslev Andersen
9.50-10.15        How has China navigated regarding the war in Ukraine and how is China’s world view evident in the way they have acted towards Russia, James M. Dorsey (ONLINE PRESENTATION)
10.15-10.35     How is China elaborating their partnerships and activities in Central Asia? Yang Jiang
10.30-10.45     What are the consequences for Central Asia of the Ukraine war and what does this mean for China’s role in the region? James M. Dorsey (ONLINE PRESENTATION)

10.45-11.00     Q&A

Practical information

The seminar will be in English. Physical participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use our online registration form.

Livestream does not require registration. The video livestream will appear on this page just before the seminar starts.

Asia China

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8 November 2022 09:30–11:00

DIIS Experts

Yang Jiang
Sustainable development and governance
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5560
Lars Erslev Andersen
Migration and global order
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5476