Energy struggles: renewable energy in Africa

"Energy struggles" is a research project on the political economy of energy transitions in sub-Saharan Africa. It aims to explain how renewable energy is prioritized in different countries.

Energy struggles is a four-year project (2021-2025) with partners in Tanzania, Ghana and Denmark. It is coordinated by Rasmus Hundsbæk Pedersen and financed through the Danida Fellowship Center (DFC).

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash
Read more about the project

The overall objective of Energy struggles is to contribute to a better understanding of how a transition to renewable energy can occur in Sub-Saharan Africa. Many countries have set targets for solar and wind, but implementation has been slow and uneven. With rising energy consumption and the poor implementation of intended targets, there is a risk that the continent will miss out on the renewable generation boom that is currently unfolding. Understanding the difference between targets and the implementation of renewable energy in developing countries is still little developed.

In the literature, there has been a tendency to focus on how technical innovation in renewable energy can drive a transition of energy systems. It is, however, increasingly clear that politics and power play a decisive role in the prioritization of energy projects. This project therefore aims to develop a conceptual framework for the study of the political economy of energy that can analyse and help explain how energy projects are prioritized in different countries.

Energy Struggles conducts research on the development of the energy sectors in Tanzania and Ghana, which have both set targets for renewable energy. The two countries differ in the degree of the state’s involvement in their energy sectors, Ghana having liberalized more than Tanzania. The project’s hypothesis is that this difference caters for different dynamics in the energy sectors that decisively influence how an energy transition can occur.

How we research this:

The Energy struggles project team uses multidisciplinary approaches to undertake research on the relative importance of technological capabilities, state capacity, and policy coalitions in the Tanzanian and Ghanaian energy sectors. We ask three research questions:

- First, what role the development of technological capabilities plays in the prioritisation of energy technologies?

- Secondly, whether and how the building of capacity in state organisations can facilitate the prioritization of new renewable energy?

- Thirdly, how different policy coalitions promote or impede new renewable energy in African countries?

Throughout, the project we pay particular attention to the role of access to energy services for the poor, which is a priority for both Tanzania and Ghana, as well as for Danish development assistance.

Our contributions:

Energy struggles’ overall objective is to contribute to a better understanding of how an energy transition can occur in Sub-Saharan African countries. The research objective is to analyse how new renewable energy is prioritized in policy formulation and implementation in Tanzania and Ghana. As part of this, the project develops a conceptual framework for the study of the political economy of energy, which can analyse and help explain the prioritization of energy technologies and projects in different countries.

Policy-wise, Energy struggles aims to provide evidence-based findings that can lead to more informed decision-making in partner countries with regard to (i) the factors that are important for the prioritization of different energy technologies, and (ii) how best to promote new renewable energy. The project is designed to enhance the capacities of the younger-level researchers involved in the project.


Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai
Associate Professor of Development Politics at the University of Ghana
Download bio (pdf)

Abdul-Bassit Abubakari
PhD Candidate at the University of Ghana
Download bio (phd)

Paula Edze
PhD Candidate, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana
Download bio (phd)

Ulrich Elmer Hansen
Senior Researcher, UNEP DTU partnership, Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Technical University of Denmark
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Thabit Jacob 
Postdoctoral Researcher, Lund University
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Francis Kemausuor 
Associate Professor, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana, Director, The Brew-Hammond Energy Centre, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
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Gabriel Malima
PhD candidate, The University of Dar es Salaam
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Rasmus Hundsbæk Pedersen 
Senior researcher, DIIS, Sustainable development and governance research unit
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Japhace Poncian
Lecturer, Department of History, Political Science and Development Studies, Mkwawa University College of Education (MUCE), Tanzania
Download bio (pdf)

Gussai H. Sheikheldin
Research fellow with STIPRO (Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization), Tanzania
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Pedersen, R. H., Andersen, O. W., and I. Renkens (2021). The political economy of energy transitions in sub-Saharan Africa: contributions to an analytical frameworkDIIS Working Paper 2021: 15.

Pedersen, R. H., et al. (2022). Energy transitions in sub-Saharan Africa are about more than mobilizing financeDIIS Comment 5 January 2022.

Pedersen, R. H. (2022). Towards a political economy of renewable energy in Ghana: A review. MIASA Working Paper No. 2022(4). (pdf)

Poncian, J. and R. H. Pedersen (2023). The political economy of energy production in post-independence Tanzania: A reviewDIIS Working Paper 2023: 01

Andersen, O. W. and R. H. Pedersen (2023). "The paradox of overcapacity in African energy sectors." Energy for Sustainable Development 72: 83-87.

A contested agenda: Energy transitions in lower-income African countries
Pedersen, R. H. & Winckler Andersen, O., 17 Feb 2023, In: Energy Policy. 175, 6 p.

Jacob, T. (2023). The double role of the state: the state as investor and mediator in the Tanzanian coal sector. In L. Buur, J. Macuane, F. Maganga, & R. Pedersen (Eds.), Land, Rights and the Politics of Investments in Africa: Ruling Elites, Investors and Populations in Natural Resource Investments. Edward Elgar Publishing


Poncian, J. and R. H. Pedersen (2023). "Resource nationalism and energy transitions in lower-income countries: the case of Tanzania." Review of African Political Economy: 1-19. 

Malima, Gabriel C., Hansen, Ulrich Elmer, Makundi, Hezron, and Sheikheldin, Gussai H.: Enclaved or Linked? Examining local linkage development in the Tanzanian off-grid solar market. Published in the Journal of Energy for Sustainable Development, on 28 March 2024 

Outreach, in the media

Jacob, T.: Interview: ‘Tanzania's LNG project: State to begin delayed $30 billion project in 2023’ interview by China Global Television Network, July 2021

Jacob, T.: Chair of the Panel: ‘Climate and energy transition in Middle East and North Africa’ Fifth Annual GLD Conference, Brastad, Sweden, 22-26, May 2022

Jacob, T.: Panelist: ‘EU-Africa energy’ Panel of experts co-organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Carnegie Corporation, Berlin 10-12, May 2022 

Jacob, T.: Presentation: Political economy of coal in Africa in era of energy transition. Linnaeus University, Kalmar campus, Sweden, 27-28 April 2022

Jacob, T.: Presenter: ‘Competing energy visions in Kenya: The political economy of coal’ Presented at Work in Progress Seminar, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg. 22, March 2022

Jacob, T.: Presenter: Energy transition meet energy nationalism. Africa and the aftermath of COP 26. Presented at Chalmers energy group, Division of Environmental Systems Analysis, Chalmers University of Technology,17, February 2022

Jacob, T.: Panelist: ‘Power to the People or the Industry? -The Tanzanian Energy Sector’. Discussion organized by the Tanzania-Germany network. 25 January 2022. Online via Zoom

Pedersen, R. H. Briefing of Holger K. Nielsen, Denmark’s special representative to the UN, on ‘Renewable energy in Africa’ at DIIS 4 Oct 2022

Pedersen, R. H. and O. W. Andersen (2022). "The paradox of overcapacity in Africa’s energy sector." Development Today 16 September 2022

Pedersen, R. H. and L. Buur (2022). "Lektor og seniorforsker: Gasboom er et tveægget sværd i Afrika." Politiken 3 September 2022

Pedersen, R. H. and O. W. Andersen (2022). "En omstilling til vedvarende energi i de fattige lande kræver mere end investeringer!" 14 January 2022.

Pedersen, R. H.: Participation in online dialogue, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the 'How-to-Note' on energy and emission reductions. 28 January 2022

Poncian, J.: Interviewed 27 September 2022 for ROAPE ‘Breaking the influence of international capital in Africa – an interview with Japhace Poncian’

Poncian, J.: Winner of ROAPE’s Ruth First Prize is Japhace Poncian for his article on resource nationalism in Tanzania. July 2022

Poncian, J.: Interviewed in Bofin, P. (2022). Energy transition in Tanzania constrained. Published 28 March 2022 on. Accessed 30 March 2022

Flott, S. (2022). "Californiske computerspillere bruger mere strøm end hele Botswana." Nordjyske Stiftstidende 1 January 2022 (interview with Pedersen, R. H.)

Jacob, T.: (Discussant). Coal phaseout and contested justice claims, research seminar organized by Department of Human Geography, Division of Human Ecology, Lund University, 2023, 19 January

Jacob, T.:  (Panelist). Critical minerals supply chain and renewable energy in Africa. Internal seminar organized by African Natural Resources Management and Investment Centre, African Development Bank, 2023, 15 March 

Pedersen, R. H.: ‘De forskellige betingelser for grøn omstilling I afrikanske lande’, presentation 18 April 2023 at seminar in Ingeniørforeningen (IDA Global Development): Hvordan undgår vi hvide elefanter på Afrikas grønne vej?

Pedersen, R. H.: Article in Altinget 19 April 2023: Forsker: Danmark kan ikke være tjent med så sparsom repræsentation i det sydlige Afrika

Pedersen, R. H.: ‘The political economy of green transitions in Africa’, presentation at 'Food for Thought-meeting’ 21 April 2023 in the Department for Green Diplomacy and Climate (GDK), Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Jacob, T.: (Discussant). Reframing Power in Energy and infrastructure Projects.  Seminar organized by School of Global Studies (University of Gothenburg), 2023, 19 May

Jacob, T.: (Chair). Rural Energy Transitions - Ruralising low-carbon energy and energising rural geographies. Internal research workshop at Chalmers energy group, Division of Environmental Systems Analysis, Chalmers University of Technology, 2023, 25 May

Pedersen, R. H.: ‘Aid for new renewable energy – trends and competing interests in Africa’s energy transitions’. Paper presentation 25 May 2023 at ReNEW 6th Nordic Challenges Conference: Nordic Challenges and Identities: Pasts, Presents, Futures

Pedersen, R. H.: Interview for Altinget 25 May 2023: Regeringen vil tættere på Afrika, men samtidig lukker Danmark ambassaden i Tanzania

Jacob, T.: Resource nationalism in the era of energy transition in Africa. Presented at internal seminar, at Institute for Ecological Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2023, 06 June

Hansen, U. E.: Paper presentation ‘industrial return’ on the green transition: local linkage development in the wind turbine industry’, part of Special session SS01_01_02 at Global Conference on Economic Geography, 8/6–2022 (

Jacob, T. “Politics of Renewable Energy and Ghana’s bumpy Energy Transtion,” presented at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) seminar series, 19 October 2023 

Presentation on the Energy struggles project at a retreat of the College of Engineering, KNUST, by Francis Kemausuor, with participants that included industrial partners and staff. 7 December 2023

Pedersen, R. H. (2023). "Grøn omstilling af energi er ikke lige det, der står øverst på listen i Afrika." Jyllands-Posten 4 December 2023 

Poncian, J.: Interview in Finnish magazine: Kohti Uutta Elintasoa. Interview by Kristiina Markkanen and Anna Kuokkanen, Published in Apu magazine, issue 1/2024.

Pedersen, R. H. and L. Buur (2024). "Kronik: Kampen om Afrikas mineraler præges af nye geopoli­tiske dynami­kker." Børsen 14 January 2024. Accessed 15 January 2024 

Pedersen, R.H. (with DIIS colleagues): Symposium about Denmark’s engagement with Afrika w. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Development Cooperation. Danish Parliament, 18 Jan 2024      

Keynote on ‘Political Settlement Dynamics and The (Just) Energy Transition Agenda’ by Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai at the event ‘JET PLUS FUND-Africa Co-Creation Meeting organized by Ford Foundation for Ford Foundation partners from across Africa and Ford program teams, Mövenpick Ambassador Hotel, Accra, Ghana, 4-6 March 2024.

Jacob, T. (Discussant). “Geopolitics of Green Hydrogen:  Ecological unequal exchange between Namibia and Germany,” Discussion at the annual Lund University Africa Day, 11 March 2024.

Jacob, T. (Panelist) Roundtable discussion on “Just energy transitions in the Global South: between old inequalities and new green assets,” panel together with among others Irene Vélez-Torres, former Minister of Mines and Energy in Colombia, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), 14 March 2024

Poncian, J. and Pedersen, R.H.: Presentation for Tanzania Energy Development Partners Group (EDPG): The polical economy of energy transitions in Africa – coalitions, politics and power in Tanzania. Online 14 Mar 2024

Pedersen, R. H. and L. Buur (2024). "Forskere: Ny Afrika-strategi kan ikke kun handle om grøn energi – Danmark må samarbejde om olie og gas." Altinget 21 March 2024. Accessed 21 March 2024 

Malima, Gabriel C.: Presentation of the findings of the study - Examining local linkage development in the Tanzanian off-grid solar market. At workshop: Prospects of Renewable Energy in Tanzania: The Role of Non-State Actors. Date: April 16, 2024, Arusha Corridor Springs Hotel. Organizer: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization (STIPRO)

Pedersen, R.H.: Presentation for Altingets netværk for Energy og forsyning: 'Betingelser for grøn omstilling i afrikanske lande – potentialer og udfordringer for Danmark og Vesten'. Kragerup Gods, 23 May 2024 

Edze, P. ‘Local industrial development outcomes of large-scale solar power in Africa: Insights from Ghana’, presentation at the Society, Market and Policy Section of DTU Wind Energy Systems Division, Risø, on 30 May 2024 from 12pm to 1pm.

Jacob, T. (Panelist) Roundtable discussion on “Role of Academics in the current wave of green extractivism in the age of energy transition,” Discussion presented at The Political Ecology Network conference (POLLEN24) Lund, Sweden, 12 June 2024

Pedersen, R.H.: Guest lecture at Copenhagen University 4 December 2024: The political economy of energy transitions in sub-Saharan Africa, incl. some reflections on geopolitics

Further readings by researchers

Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai

Asante, K., Abdulai, A-G., and Mohan, G. (2020), ‘The ‘new’ institutional politics of Ghana’s hydrocarbon’. ESID Working Paper, University of Manchester.

Hickey, S., Abdulai, A-G, Izama, A., and Mohan, G. (2020), ‘Responding to the commodity boom with varieties of resource nationalism: A political economy explanation for the different routes taken by Africa's new oil producers’. Extractive Industries and Society. DOI:

Bebbington, A., Abdulai, A-G, Hinfelaar, M., Humphreys Bebbington D and Sanborn C. (2018), Governing Extractive Industries: Politics, Histories, Ideas.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mosley, P., and Abdulai, A-G. (2019), ‘The political economy of progressive fiscal contracts in Africa and Latin America’. Development Policy Review. DOI:

Mohan, G., Asante, K. P., and Abdulai, A-G. (2018), ‘Party politics and the political economy of Ghana’s oil’. New Political Economy.  Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 274-289. DOI:

Abdulai, A. G. (2017). ‘Competitive clientelism and the political economy of mining in Ghana’, ESID Working Paper 78. Manchester: Effective States and Inclusive Develoment Research Centre, The University of Manchester.  Available at:

Bebbington, A., Abdulai, A-G, Hinfelaar, M., Humphreys Bebbington D., and Sanborn C (2017), ‘Political settlements and the governance of extractive industry: A comparative analysis of the long duree in Africa and Latin America’. ESID Working Paper No. 81. Manchester, UK: The University of Manchester. UK. Available at:

Hickey, S., Abdulai, A-G., Izama, A., and Mohan, G. (2015), ‘The Politics of Governing Oil Effectively: A Comparative Study of Two New Oil-Rich States in Africa’. ESID Working paper 54, University of Manchester.

Paula Edze

Edze P. 2014 – 2021. Ghana SEforALL News.
Available at:

Edze P., Amankwa K., Ashie E., Benefoh D.T., Attieku S., et al. 2020. Chapter 4: Updates on Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment; pp 78-166; Ghana’s Fourth National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 
Available at:

Ahiataku-Togobo W., Tettey G., Ofosu Ahenkorah A.K., Kemausuor F., Edze P., et al. 2019. Ghana Renewable Energy Master Plan.
Available at:

Amankwa K., Edze P., Ashie E., Abrokwa M., Duah C., et al. 2018. Chapter 4: Mitigation Actions and Their Effects; pp 22-46; Ghana’s Second Biennial Update Report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Available at:

Dzobo M., Ashie E., Edze P., Amankwa K., Aryeetey H., et al. 2015. Chapter 3: Information on Mitigation Actions and Their Effects; pp 38-44; Ghana’s First Biennial Update Report.
Available at:

Edze P. and Edjekumhene I. 2011. Career Guide to the Oil and Gas Industry in Ghana.

Edze P. and Edjekumhene I. 2010. A Glossary of Selected Oil and Gas Terminologies.

Edze P. and Edjekumhene I. 2010. Ghana’s Emerging Petroleum Industry: What Stakeholders Need to Know.

Ulrich Elmer Hansen

Hansen, U., Nygaard, I., Morris, M., Robbins, G., 2021. Servicification of manufacturing in global value chains: upgrading of local suppliers of embedded services in the South African market for wind turbines, Journal of Development Studies (In Press).

Morris, M., Robbins, G., Hansen, U., Nygaard, I., 2021. The wind energy global value chain localisation and industrial policy failure in South Africa, Journal of International Business Policy,     

Hernández, A., Bolwig, S., Hansen, U., 2021 When policy mixes meet firm diversification: sugar-industry investment in bagasse cogeneration in Mexico (2007–2020), Energy Research and Social Science 79, 102171                             

Davy, E., Hansen, U., I Nygaard, 2021. Dual embeddedness? Innovation capabilities, multinational subsidiaries, and solar power development in South Africa, Energy Research and Social Science 78, 1021457.              

Lema, R., Bhamidipati, L., Gregersen, C., Hansen, U., Kirchherr, J., 2021. China’s investments in renewable energy in Africa: Creating co-benefits or just cashing-in? World Development, 141 105365 

Bhamidipati, L., Hansen, U., 2021. Unpacking local agency in China–Africa relations: Frictional encounters and development outcomes of solar power in Kenya, Geoforum (In Press)

Thabit Jacob

Ayhan, SH. and Jacob, T. (2022). Competing energy visions in Kenya: The political economy of coal. In Jakob, M., & Steckel, J. (Eds.), The Political Economy of Coal: Obstacles to Clean Energy Transitions". Routledge | Taylor & Francis Group 

Jacob, T. (2020). When good intentions turn bad: The unintended consequences of the 2016 Tanzanian coal import ban. The Extractive Industries and Society7(2), 337-340.

Pedersen, R. H., Jacob, T. and P. Bofin (2020). From moderate to radical resource nationalism in the boom era: Pockets of effectiveness under stress in ‘new oil’ Tanzania. The Extractive Industries and Society 7: 1211–1218.

Buur, L., Pedersen, R. H., Nystrand, M. J., Macuane, J. J., and T. Jacob (2020). The politics of natural resource investments and rights in Africa: A theoretical approach. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(3): 918-930.

Bofin, P., Pedersen, R. H., and T. Jacob (2020). The politics of power and natural gas in Tanzania: How political settlement dynamics shapes deals in a ‘new oil’ country. ESID Working Paper No. 149.

Pedersen, R. H. and T. Jacob (2019). Resurgent resource nationalism in Tanzania's petroleum sector. Oxford Energy Forum 117.

Jacob, T., & Pedersen, R. H. (2018). New resource nationalism? Continuity and change in Tanzania’s extractive industries. The Extractive Industries and Society5(2), 287-292.

Jacob, T. (2018). State caught in the middle:  Coal extraction and community struggles in Tanzania. DIIS Working Paper (8). Danish Institute for International Studies Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jacob, T. (2017). Competing energy narratives in Tanzania: Towards the political economy of coal. African Affairs116(463), 341-353.

Pedersen, R. H. and T. Jacob (2017). Reconfigured state-community relations in Africa’s extractive sectors: insights from post-liberalisation Tanzania. The Extractive Industries and Society 4: 915-922.

Jacob, T. (2017). D. Ockwell, R. Byrne, Sustainable Energy for All: Innovation, Technology and Pro-Poor Green Transformations, Routledge (2017). Energy Research & Social Science34, 37-38.

Francis Kemausuor   

Ezealigo, U. S., Ezealigo, B. N., Plaza, M. G., Dim, E. N., Kemausuor, F., Achenie, L. E. K., & Onwualu, A. P. (2022). Preliminary characterisation and valorisation of Ficus benjamina fruits for biofuel application. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.

Ezealigo, U. S., Ezealigo, B. N., Kemausuor, F., Achenie, L. E. K., & Onwualu, A. P. (2021). Biomass Valorization to Bioenergy: Assessment of Biomass Residues’ Availability and Bioenergy Potential in Nigeria. Sustainability, 13(24), 13806.

Selormey, G. K., Barnes, B., Kemausuor, F., & Darkwah, L. (2021). A review of anaerobic digestion of slaughterhouse waste: Effect of selected operational and environmental parameters on anaerobic biodegradability. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology.

Offei, F., Koranteng, L. D., & Kemausuor, F. (2021). Integrated bioethanol and briquette recovery from rice husk: A biorefinery analysis. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.

Black, M. J., Roy, A., Twinomunuji, E., Kemausuor, F., Oduro, R., Leach, M., Sadhukhan, J., & Murphy, R. (2021). Bottled Biogas—An Opportunity for Clean Cooking in Ghana and Uganda. Energies, 14(13), 3856.

Chen, K. C., Leach, M., Black, M. J., Tesfamichael, M., Kemausuor, F., Littlewood, P., Marker, T., Mwabonje, O., Mulugetta, Y., Murphy, R. J., Diaz-Chavez, R., Hauge, J., Saleeby, D., Evans, A. W., & Puzzolo, E. (2021). BioLPG for Clean Cooking in Sub-Saharan Africa: Present and Future Feasibility of Technologies, Feedstocks, Enabling Conditions and Financing. Energies, 14(13), 3916.

Ossei-Bremang, R. N., & Kemausuor, F. (2021). A decision support system for the selection of sustainable biomass resources for bioenergy production. Environment Systems and Decisions.

Boafo-Mensah, G., Neba, F. A., Tornyeviadzi, H. M., Seidu, R., Darkwa, K. M., & Kemausuor, F. (2021). Modelling the performance potential of forced and natural-draft biomass cookstoves using a hybrid Entropy-TOPSIS approach. Biomass and Bioenergy, 150, 106106.

Rasmus Hundsbæk Pedersen

Pedersen, R. H., Andersen, O. W., and I. Renkens (2021). The political economy of energy transitions in sub-Saharan Africa: contributions to an analytical framework. DIIS Working Paper 2021: 15.

Pedersen, R. H., et al. (2022). Energy transitions in sub-Saharan Africa are about more than mobilizing finance. DIIS Comment 5 January 2022.

Pedersen, R. H. and O. W. Andersen (2021). Renewable energy in Africa is about more than climate change. DIIS Policy Brief March 2021.

Pedersen, R. H., Jacob, T. and P. Bofin (2020). From moderate to radical resource nationalism in the boom era: Pockets of effectiveness under stress in ‘new oil’ Tanzania. The Extractive Industries and Society 7: 1211–1218.

Pedersen, R. H., et al. (2020). Trends in development assistance to new nenewable energy in sub-Saharan Africa. DIIS Working Paper 2020: 12.

Buur, L., Pedersen, R. H., Nystrand, M. J., Macuane, J. J., and T. Jacob (2020). The politics of natural resource investments and rights in Africa: A theoretical approach. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(3): 918-930.

Bofin, P., Pedersen, R. H., and T. Jacob (2020). The politics of power and natural gas in Tanzania: How political settlement dynamics shapes deals in a ‘new oil’ country. ESID Working Paper No. 149.

Pedersen, R. H. and T. Jacob (2019). Resurgent resource nationalism in Tanzania's petroleum sector. Oxford Energy Forum 117.

Pedersen, R. H. and P. Bofin (2019). Muted market signals: politics, petroleum investments and regulatory developments in Tanzania. Journal of Eastern African Studies: 1-19.

Buur, L., et al. (2019). Understanding the three key relationships in natural resource investments in Africa: An analytical framework. The Extractive Industries and Society 6(4): 1195-1204.

Bofin, P. and R. H. Pedersen (2019). Challenging prospects for upstream contracting in Tanzania. Oxford Energy Forum 117.

Jacob, T. and R. H. Pedersen (2018). New resource nationalism? Continuity and change in Tanzania’s extractive industries. The Extractive Industries and Society 5(2): 287-292.

Pedersen, R. H. and O. Kweka (2017). The political economy of petroleum investments and land acquisition standards in Africa: The case of Tanzania. Resources Policy 52: 217-225.

Pedersen, R. H. and T. Jacob (2017). Reconfigured state-community relations in Africa’s extractive sectors: insights from post-liberalisation Tanzania. The Extractive Industries and Society 4: 915-922.

Bofin, P. and R. H. Pedersen (2017). Tanzania's oil and gas contract regime, investments and markets. DIIS Working Paper 2017:1, DIIS.

Pedersen, R. H., Jacob, T., Maganga, F., and O. Kweka (2016). Rights to land and extractive resources in Tanzania (1/2): The history. DIIS Working Paper 2016: 11. DIIS.

Jacob, T., Pedersen, R. H., Maganga, F., and O. Kweka (2016). Rights to land and natural resources in Tanzania (2/2): The return of the state. DIIS Working Paper 2016: 12. DIIS.

Pedersen, R. H. and P. Bofin (2015). The politics of gas contract negotiations in Tanzania: a review. DIIS Working Paper 2015: 03. Copenhagen, Denmark, DIIS.

Pedersen, R. H. (2014). The Politics of Oil/Gas Contract Negotiations in sub-Saharan Africa. In: Udviklingspolitiske tendenser. Udviklingsfinansiering. DIIS Report. O. Therkildsen, R. H. Pedersen, P. Gibbon and C. Halmbloch. Copenhagen, Denmark, DIIS27-46.

Japhace Poncian

National Resource Ownership and Community Engagement in Tanzania’s Natural Gas Governance (with J. Jose in Energy Policy, 2019).

When Government Commitment Meets Community Proactiveness: Governing Gas and Community Engagement in Tanzania(in Energy Research and Social Science, 2019). 

Resource governance and community participation: Making hydrocarbon extraction work for Tanzania (with J. Jose in Resources Policy, 2019).

Gussai H. Sheikheldin

Kraemer-Mbula, Erika, Gussai Sheikheldin and Rungano Karimanzira. 2021. ‘Southern Africa’ in UNESCO Science Report: the Race Against Time for Smarter Development. Schneegans, S., T. Straza and J. Lewis (eds). Paris: UNESCO Publishing.

Sheikheldin, Gussai. 2021. ‘Dams and the Technology-Development Nexus: The Case of the GERD.’ African Arguments, June 4th (Debating Ideas section, GERD series). 

Sheikheldin, Gussai H. and Devlin, John F. 2019. “Agents of Technology Localization in East Africa: Case Studies of Social Enterprises in Tanzania.” Forum for Development Studies, Vol. 46(2): 321-346.

Sheikheldin, Gussai. 2018. Liberation and Technology: Development Possibilities in Pursuing Technological Autonomy. Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers.

Sheikheldin, Gussai, Diyamett, Bitrina and Makundi, Hezron. 2018. ‘Energy policy for industrialization: Tanzania’s big development challenge’. Published Dec 2nd on GlobalDev  (online scholarly platform, edited and translated to French and Spanish).

Research and activites