DIIS Report

New DIIS report unfolds Danish Counter-piracy Action

Lessons learned off the Coast of Somalia

On November 19 2016, a Royal Danish Air Force Challenger CL-604 took one last flight from the Seychelles gathering intelligence on pirates moving along the 1800 kilometers Somali coastline. The Danish detachment was the last of the NATO forces assigned to the counter-piracy operation ‘Ocean Shield’, thereby marking the end of NATO’s (and Denmark’s) counter-piracy action in the Indian Ocean. For almost a decade, Denmark has been a key contributor to the international response to Somali piracy. The Danish engagement through military and civilian interventions included the deployment of naval assets to conduct maritime policing, capacity-building and active participation in, and leadership of, international policy networks.

This DIIS report examines the counter-piracy efforts off the coast of Somalia, focusing on Denmark’s role. The report illustrates how a small state like Denmark can contribute proactively to international security operations, in this case the suppression of maritime crime. The report critically examines how Danish counter-piracy policy has handled challenges and opportunities in practice. It reflects on key lessons from Danish activities and offers recommendations for future Danish policies, addressing international maritime security.

The report identifies four areas in particular in which Denmark may contribute to maritime security. These areas are aligned with Danish capabilities and interests, as well as critical gaps in existing international engagement. They are:

  • continuing support to the international agenda of multilateralism in maritime security
  • emphasising long-term capacity-building of regional maritime security capabilities
  • accounting for local conditions in policy planning regarding cooperation with regional states
  • strengthening Danish maritime security policy by systematically evaluating civil–military cooperation
Somalia Denmark EU

DIIS Experts

Jessica Larsen
Foreign policy and diplomacy
Senior Researcher
+45 9390 6099
Learning from Danish Counter-Piracy off the Coast of Somalia