
Analyzing Ghanas Recent National Elections

Ghana's December 2008 elections were very competitive, free and fair, and resulted in a turnover in government

Lindsay Whitfield examines what explains the apparent success of democratic elections in Ghana in an article published in the African Affairs October 2009 issue called, 'Change for a Better Ghana': party competition, institutionalization and alternation in Ghana's 2008 elections.

This article analyses the process and outcomes of Ghana's 2008 elections, which saw the National Democratic Congress replace the New Patriotic Party and thus an alternation of ruling party for the second time since (re)democratization in the early 1990s.

It argues that Ghana's democratic political system survived the closeness and intensity of the 2008 elections because it has developed stabilizing characteristics: an independent Electoral Commission and transparent electoral processes, integration of the political elite alongside the creation of norms and institutions structuring elite behavior, and the institutionalization of political parties.

The closely competitive elections are the result of a two-party system where voters and political elites are mobilized around two political traditions. These political traditions provide ideological images, founding mythologies and political styles for the parties.

Thus, Ghana is different from several African countries where parties split or form around leaders, who bring their popular support base with them. It is also different in that elections are not dominated by ethnic politicization, because the two main parties in Ghana have a strong political support base in most regions and party identification is based on cross-cutting social cleavages of which ethnicity forms only one part.

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'Change for a better Ghana'
party competition, institutionalization and alternation in Ghana's 2008 elections
African Affairs, 108, 621-641, 2009