Østeuropa og Rusland

Krigen i Ukraine har fundamentalt forandret Vestens forhold til Rusland. Samtidig har krigen skabt fornyet fokus på Østeuropas historiske og politiske betydning. DIIS forsker blandt andet i Ruslands hybride krigsførelse samt betydningen af energisikkerhed for Vesten og for Vesteuropas forhold til Østeuropa.

Også i denne sektion:

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • Mali protest smartphone
    Influencere er blevet en ny type krigere med betydelig indflydelse i den panafrikanske kamp mod Vestens militære interventioner. Det er på tide, vi tager smartphonens betydning for konflikter, krige og kriser alvorligt.
  • President Vladimir Putin
    Analogislutningen fra Hitler til Putin er absurd; dansk frihed og demokrati er ikke truet af Rusland. Men krigspsykosen kan i værste fald blive en selvopfyldende profeti.
  • Soldiers in Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. This seminar discusses the challenge of dealing with acute security threats and reforming a state at war
  • Building in Kyiv, Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. At this seminar, we take a closer look at how Russian occupation of the temporarily occupied territories in Ukraine has been accompanied by strategies and policies to change the composition, both physically and mentally, of these territories
  • Russian troops in Popasna, Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. At this seminar, James Nixey from Chatham House will give a talk on the lessons learned and the prospects for the war in Ukraine
  • Tractor with Danish and Ukrainian flags in Mykolaiv
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. This seminar will zoom in on Mykolaiv and Denmark’s support to the reconstruction of the city and region
  • Cover Danish Foreign Policy Review 2024 DIIS.jpg
    DIIS Book
    Reviewet dækker centrale emner af relevans for dansk udenrigs-, sikkerheds- og udviklingspolitik
  • 03_Kaliningrad Oblast 2024_COVER.jpg
    DIIS Report
    Russia will keep using the semi-exclave to provoke its neighbours and fuel its belligerent anti-Western rhetoric
  • Cover DIIS Report 2024 11.jpg
    DIIS Report
    New report outlines the improvisation of the legion and tells the story of Danish volunteers
  • vindmøller
    DIIS Comment
    Det igangsatte en hurtig omstilling i EU væk fra russiske fossile brændsler og med massiv udbygning af grøn teknologi.
  • emmanuel-macron
    Krigen fik EU til at omstille os fra russisk fossile brændsler og udbygge grøn energi. Hårdt presset kan vi lave drastiske ændringer.
  • cover-international-affairs.PNG
  • War in Ukraine - damage to housing, water and electricity supply
    Krigen i Ukraine har rystet Europa og forstærket igangværende processer i Østeuropa. Vi vil aldrig komme tilbage til det Europa, som fandtes før Ruslands åbne og uprovokerede aggression mod Ukraine, skriver Flemming Splidsboel Hansen.
  • President Joe Biden meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
    Efter mere end et halvt års politisk drama har den amerikanske Kongres langt om længe vedtaget en ny støttepakke til Ukraine. Men det betyder på ingen måde, at kampen om USA's Ukraine-politik er et overstået kapitel. Tværtimod bør vi forberede os på en mere forbeholden amerikansk opbakning til Ukraine i fremtiden uanset hvem, der vinder valget til november.
  • Krig i informationsrummet
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Krig i informationsrummet udfordrer ytringsfriheden
  • Cover DIIS Report 2024 02.jpg
    DIIS Report
    In parallel to its 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Russia has ramped up its activities in Africa
  • Cover for brief on aid in Ukraine #2
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Ukraine presents a unique challenge for many international humanitarian organisations. Operating in a context of heightened geo-political and donor interest, and in close proximity to military actors, amateur volunteer groups and Ukrainian civil society are testing the core principles of neutrality and impartiality that once underpinned humanitarian work.
  • Cover for brief on aid in Ukraine
    DIIS Policy Brief
    An interstate war in Europe presents new security challenges for humanitarians. Along the 960km Ukraine-Russia frontline, humanitarian infrastructure has been hit by shelling, missiles and drone strikes, and aid delivery disrupted by electronic warfare. Supporting specialised training and removing outdated bureaucratic burdens are some of the ways in which donors and policymakers can help humanitarian organisations adapt to this new context.
  • greenland-in-arctic-security-cover.png
    Greenland in Arctic Security delivers a comprehensive overview of how security dynamics unfold in and in relation to Greenland. From great power interests in geostrategic infrastructure to domestic debates centered on promoting and protecting Greenland identity when engaging with the outside world.
  • Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar brings together leading scholars on humanitarianism to discuss the state of humanitarianism today, its historical entanglements and its future
  • Big Loop of Saar River near Orscholz, Mettlach, Saarland, Germany, Europe
    DIIS Auditorium
    Power, theory and practice are each inescapable for understanding international relations. In the case of all three, Stefano Guzzini's contributions have been core to advancing scholarship
  • Amerikanske soldater i Irak
    Den vestlige støtte til sikkerhedssektorreform har ændret sig siden den USA-ledede krig i Irak, men ønsket om at påvirke krig og fred består. Og Ukrainekrigen illustrerer, at ny teknologi og staternes manglende monopol på involvering i nye sikkerhedssektorreformer skaber et behov for nytænkning.
  • Issittumi silap pissusianik ilisimatusarnerit nunat akornanni politikkikkut nalorninartorsiorfiupput
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Ruslandip nunallu killiit attaveqarnermikkut unittooqqanerat Issittumut politikkikkut ilisimatusarnikkullu sunniutaat imaannaanngillat. Piffissanngorpoq eqqarsaatigissallugu nunat akornanni politikkikkut avissaartuunneq tamanna silap pissusianik ilisimatusarnermut ilisimatusarnernilu paasissutissanut qanoq atuukkunnaartinneqarsinnaanersoq.
  • Erdogan and Tyrkish flag
    DIIS, auditorium
    Den 29. oktober fylder Tyrkiet 100 år. Hvor står Erdogans Tyrkiet i dag? Og hvordan forholder det sig til Atatürks Tyrkiet fra 1923? Kom til gå-hjem seminar og hør om, hvad Tyrkiets 100-årige historie betyder for forholdet til os i Europa i dag, mm.
  • journal of arctic and climate security studies
    The writing of an Arctic chapter in the US autobiography
  • Soldiers in Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. This seminar discusses the challenge of dealing with acute security threats and reforming a state at war
  • Building in Kyiv, Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. At this seminar, we take a closer look at how Russian occupation of the temporarily occupied territories in Ukraine has been accompanied by strategies and policies to change the composition, both physically and mentally, of these territories
  • Russian troops in Popasna, Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. At this seminar, James Nixey from Chatham House will give a talk on the lessons learned and the prospects for the war in Ukraine
  • Tractor with Danish and Ukrainian flags in Mykolaiv
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. This seminar will zoom in on Mykolaiv and Denmark’s support to the reconstruction of the city and region
  • Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar brings together leading scholars on humanitarianism to discuss the state of humanitarianism today, its historical entanglements and its future
  • Big Loop of Saar River near Orscholz, Mettlach, Saarland, Germany, Europe
    DIIS Auditorium
    Power, theory and practice are each inescapable for understanding international relations. In the case of all three, Stefano Guzzini's contributions have been core to advancing scholarship
  • Erdogan and Tyrkish flag
    DIIS, auditorium
    Den 29. oktober fylder Tyrkiet 100 år. Hvor står Erdogans Tyrkiet i dag? Og hvordan forholder det sig til Atatürks Tyrkiet fra 1923? Kom til gå-hjem seminar og hør om, hvad Tyrkiets 100-årige historie betyder for forholdet til os i Europa i dag, mm.
  • European Political Community, European Union
    Online via Zoom
    Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has upended the political constellation of the wider Europe. In the wake of the invasion, The European Political Community (EPC) was launched in October 2022 by 44 European countries, including all 27 EU member states. The EPC's establishment raises new questions about the European security architecture and institutional alignment in light of Russia’s invasion. At this webinar we take a closer look at what this new body can and cannot achieve.
  • Putin and Xi meeting Moscow
    Researcher explains why great powers like China and India challenge international order.
  • Biden's Summit for Democracy
    DIIS Auditorium
    In this seminar, leading international experts take stock of Joe Biden’s Summit for Democracy initiative in the shadow of the war in Ukraine, which has exacerbated the tensions between democracy and authoritarianism
  • Albania in the UN Security Council
    Denmark has launched its campaign for the UNSC in 2025-2026 but what can Denmark hope to achieve in the UN Security Council if elected?
  • Putins krig bogforside
    DIIS Auditorium
    Kom bag om ’Putins krig’, når Niels Bo Poulsen og Flemming Splidsboel Hansen fortæller om de dele af den russiske militære kultur, der har været afgørende for Ruslands invasion af Ukraine, og hvordan krigen senere er forløbet
  • Drone and soldier - Baltic Sea
    Highly relevant 1,5-day conference with over 20 experts on security challenges in the Baltic Sea Region
  • UN Security Council meeting Zelensky
    A year into Russia's war in Ukraine and with the UN Security Council caught up in great power rivalry, this event explores strategies available to non-permanent elected members of the UN Security Council to exert influence
  • Blinken og Lavrov corona greeting
    Online via Zoom
    This webinar brings together officials and experts from Denmark, Greenland, Norway and Finland to discuss the current and future state of the Arctic Council following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
  • Tank, Krigen i Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    The seminar explores the underlying causes of Russia’s war in Ukraine and discusses its implications for international order, with a special focus on the UN system
  • President of Russia Vladimir Putin gives a speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club meeting, in Moscow Oblast, Russia.
    DIIS Auditorium
    At least two positions are taking shape around the ongoing war in Ukraine. One states that the world is facing the same old Russia, and so any change can come as a result of its defeat on the battlefield. The other is detecting important changes in Russian foreign policy articulations and political culture generally. The seminar will focus on the analytical tools required for deciding between these two positions
  • Massebegravelse i Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    Explaining state terror and atrocities, from Nazi Germany to the war in Ukraine
  • illustration of the psychology of war
    The history and politics of trauma, from 9/11 to Ukraine
  • nuclear energy
    Online via Zoom
    This webinar invites four experts on nuclear energy from Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Germany to discuss the future of nuclear energy in the respective countries of the Baltic Sea
  • UN Security Council - Norway
    DIIS, Auditorium
    How small states can navigate the UNSC in the new era of great power rivalry
  • Ursula von der Leyen og Volodymyr Zelenskyj
    DIIS, Auditorium
    Per Stig Møller og Martin Lidegaard i samtale med Flemming Splidsboel
  • Ukraine soldier
    DIIS, Auditorium
    I begyndelsen af juni runder krigen i Ukraine 100 dage. Omfattende forandringer er sket, og meget er på spil. Militærforsker Anders Puck Nielsen og seniorforsker Flemming Splidsboel Hansen kigger nærmere på krigens militære og politiske status samt fremtidige konsekvenser
  • Cover DIIS Report 2022 01 Women on the move
    Online via Zoom
    In the past years we have seen images of West African women en route to Europe crossing the Mediterranean and currently newspapers and media are brimming with images of Ukrainian women.
  • Mass grave in Bucha, Ukraine
    Auditorium, DIIS
    Both national and international investigative teams have already started investigating alleged mass atrocities committed in the war in Ukraine. But how do such investigations operate, and how can war crimes be prevented? Five researchers share their thoughts at this seminar