
DIIS forsker i, hvordan politiske, økonomiske og sociale forandringer i Asien interagerer med internationale relationer samt i fredsprocesser og implikationerne af etniske og religiøse konflikter.

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • Chinese coast guard in the South China Sea
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar takes stock of tensions in the South China sea. Leading experts will discuss the geopolitical, legal and economic implications of current developments
  • Security guard watching Somalian refugees
    DIIS Auditorium
    Countries affected by violent conflict and state fragility receive extremely low climate change funding, thus leaving behind populations considered most vulnerable to climate change. How can this paradox be addressed and what role can the UN play?
  • Summit of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Riyadh
    DIIS Auditorium
    How will the Gaza war change the Middle East and how will a future Middle East look like? What impact will it have on perceptions of the rules-based world order?
  • Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar brings together leading scholars on humanitarianism to discuss the state of humanitarianism today, its historical entanglements and its future
  • People in Taiwan
    DIIS, auditorium
    This DIIS seminar takes a closer look at recent developments in Cross-Strait relations and the wider Taiwan conflict as seen from a European perspective
  • Radio
    MyCClimate shares insights in Danish Radio
  • Myanmar people waiting outside prison
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar discusses what it means for people in Myanmar to ‘live with crisis’ in the context of escalating and intersecting forms of crisis
  • Justine Chambers organise panel at Burma Studies Conference
    The politics of climate change actions in Myanmar
  • South China sea disputes, water cannon against Philippines
    DIIS, Auditorium
    Viewed as an important strategic waterway from a regional and global perspective, the South China Sea has long constituted a critical arena for various maritime and territorial disputes that are now resurfacing.
  • Zelensky speaking at United Nations headquaters
    DIIS Auditorium
    Thant Myint-U, internationally recognized historian, grandson of former UN General Secretary U Thant, and former UN diplomat, will discuss his recent research on the "recovered history" of the UN. He will explore what this means for Denmark as a potential member of the Security Council 2025 - 2026 and how the UN can address regional conflicts, like Myanmar
  • Taliban 2 år efter
    DIIS Auditorium
    Hvad er der sket i løbet af de år Taliban har været ved magten i Afghanistan, og hvilke udfordringer står det internationale samfund over for?
  • kenya food distribution via fingerprint tech system
    DIIS Auditorium
    How do NGOs use algorithms and data-driven tools for predictive analysis in their humanitarian response?
  • US-China tech
    DIIS Auditorium
    From climate change to artificial intelligence, China will need to play an important role if the world is to meet its mounting ecological and technological challenges. But how should we balance cooperation and competition with an assertive China?
  • Evakuering af afghanere i Kabul
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS inviterer til offentligt seminar om kendskabet til de lokale forhold i Afghanistan i de 20 år, Danmark var tilstede. Arrangementet er et led i den igangværende uvildige historiske udredning af Danmarks indsats i Afghanistan 2001 til 2021
  • Helene Maria Kyed and Ninna Nyberg Sørensen share MyClimate research findings at Folkemødet in Denmark
    Research findings
    Helene Maria Kyed shares MyClimate research findings at Folkemødet in Denmark
  • Både ved strand
    DIIS Auditorium
    Autoetnography is emerging as a trend in current research. Come and reflect on the different ways to use personal experience and positionality with four migration scholars
  • Putin and Xi meeting Moscow
    Researcher explains why great powers like China and India challenge international order.
  • judge from texas performing wedding on mexican border
    DIIS Auditorium
    Laura Sjoberg introduces the notion of "sex rule" in this talk. Looking at marriage, reproduction, migration and asylum cases, and homonormativity, she argues that sex rules matter in global politics and international security
  • Danske soldater i Afghanistan øvelse
    DIIS inviterer til et offentligt seminar om samtænkning af de civile og militære indsatser i Afghanistan. Temadrøftelsen er et led i den igangværende uvildige historiske udredning af Danmarks indsats i Afghanistan i perioden fra 2001 til 2021
  • afghanistan-udredning-forskere
    DIIS Nyhed
    I forbindelse med udredningen om Danmarks deltagelse i krigen i Afghanistan afholdt DIIS den 8. til 9. december 2022 en workshop for en række forskere og eksperter tilknyttet udredninger og evalueringer i Holland, Norge, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tyskland og USA. For at sikre den fortsatte vidensdeling tog DIIS samtidig initiativ til etablering af et netværk for Afghanistan-udredninger.
  • flooded homes within a village after the River Nile broke the dykes in Jonglei State, South Sudan, October 5, 2020.
    DIIS Auditorium
    Defying the state in theory and practice
  • Indo-Pacific map
    DIIS Auditorium
    Asiens geopolitiske landkort er under hastig forandring i takt med at stormagtsrivaliseringen mellem USA og Kina intensiveres - implikationerne for Europa og Danmark er vidtrækkende.
  • City in China with beautiful sky
    Beijing’s position on the war in Ukraine and their building of strong partnerships in Central Asia can give us some of the answer
  • fire in australian forrest because of climate change
    Livestreaming is only for sign ups
    DIIS, auditorium
    Insights from DIIS' latest research on development efforts and challenges across the globe - and their interactions with increasingly widespread and acute climate change impacts
  • Arabisk skrift på tavle
    DIIS Auditorium
    How do Al-Qaeda and Islamic State use Islamic thought as justification for their ideology and how do the two movements differ? Three researchers give us their perspectives at this seminar