
DIIS event

Ukraine: The reconstruction of Mykolaiv

DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. This seminar will zoom in on Mykolaiv and Denmark’s support to the reconstruction of the city and region
Tractor with Danish and Ukrainian flags in Mykolaiv

Watch the recording of the seminar on YouTube here

With a bold and groundbreaking decision, Denmark has committed itself to supporting the reconstruction of Mykolaiv (both city and region) even as the war in Ukraine continues unabated. “Reconstruction during the war” is the guiding slogan (rather than “Reconstruction after the war”). The commitment of Denmark is demonstrated very clearly with the opening of an Embassy Office in Mykolaiv. 

This seminar takes stock of the Danish efforts to support the reconstruction of Mykolaiv, and it offers perspectives from the Danish Embassy in Kyiv and from people working on the ground in Mykolaiv. The message from all involved is very clear: Work is being done and Mykolaiv is already preparing itself for a future after the successful conclusion of the war.

Please note that this seminar will be followed by a panel discussion on “Russian mass-subversion of Ukrainian territories” on Thursday 13 June 2024 at 11.30 and that it forms part of a series of seminars on Ukraine hosted by DIIS on Thursday 13 June and Friday 14 June 2024. 


Ole Egberg Mikkelsen, Ambassador, Royal Danish Embassy, Kyiv, Ukraine (online)
Jakob Torrild Hansen, Head, Danish Embassy Office in Mykolaiv, Ukraine (online)
Jesper Karup Pedersen, Chief Project Manager, COWI
Flemming Splidsboel Hansen, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)


09.00-09.05     Welcome, Flemming Splidsboel Hansen
09.05-09.30     The Danish approach to the reconstruction of Mykolaiv, Ambassador Ole Egberg Mikkelsen (including a short Q&A session)
09.30- 09.55    The view from Mykolaiv, Jakob Torrild Hansen (including a short Q&A session)
09.55-10.10     Break
10.10-11.00     A project manager's approach to the reconstruction of Mykolaiv, Jesper Karup Pedersen (including a Q&A session)

The seminar was held and recorded on 13 June 2024, 09.00-11.00 in DIIS Auditorium.

Seminar series on Ukraine

From the status of the war over life in the temporarily occupied territories and the reconstruction of Mykolaiv to the wider security implications of the war and Ukraine's reform efforts, this seminar series offers a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. The series brings a group of Ukrainian scholars to DIIS, where they will be joined by Norwegian, British and other colleagues.

The seminar series will be held on Thursday 13 June and Friday 14 June 2024. Both days will have a morning session followed by an early afternoon session. Sandwich lunch will be provided to guests.

Read more and sign up for the other seminars below this box.

Senior Researcher Flemming Splidsboel Hansen is hosting and leading the seminar series.  

Sign up

13 June 2024 09:00–11:00
DIIS Auditorium

DIIS Experts

Flemming Splidsboel Hansen
Foreign policy and diplomacy
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5602