DIIS Working Paper

Elites, Production and Poverty: a comparative study

Launches a new website and its first working papers
'Elites, production and poverty' is a collaborative research program based at DIIS in the Politics and Governance IO. It brings together research institutions and universities in Bangladesh, Denmark, Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda and is funded by the Danish Consultative Research Committee for Development Research. The program began in 2008 and runs until the end of 2011.

The research aims to produce a political economy analysis of what drives productive sector policy formulation and implementation. Our analysis focuses on elites and what they find desirable and feasible, because elites are central to economic development. The research program examines the role of elites in economic development in five developing countries.

The country studies are Bangladesh, Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda. Each country study looks at the role of state elite and the politics of formulating and implementing two productive sector case studies. In a step towards communicating its research agenda and sharing its research findings with the broader public, the program has launched its own website.

The program also has a sub-series within the DIIS Working Papers. The first set of papers generated by the program examines the internationally-driven New Poverty Agenda and its impact in our country studies. Three of the papers are now available as working papers (Please see box).