
Is white slave trade and human trafficking the same?

Book review
DIIS researcher Sine Plambech has contributed to new special edition of the journal: Kvinder, køn og forskning – “Gender and Development + 15 - From Policy to Practice”.

One of the key questions dealt with in the articles is how well discourses and ideas of gender equality travel between different institutional, historical and geographical contexts. Sine Plambech has written a review of Jo Doezema's Sex Slaves and Discourse Masters - The Construction of Trafficking (2010). Commenting on Doezema's work Plambech discuss the ways in which earlier discourses on human trafficking and the “white slave trade” translates into contemporary debates on “new slavery”, human trafficking, gender and migration.

Launch of the new edition is Tuesday May 31st 1pm – 3.30 pm, building 25.3, Roskilde Universitet.

DIIS Eksperter

Sine Plambech
Migration and global order
Senior Researcher
+45 6065 0479
Jo Doezema: Sex slaves and Discourse Masters - the construction of trafficking
Book review
Women, Gender and Research, 2011, 65-66, 2011