Working papers etc.

East Africa's oil and gas boom

Politics and risk in Kenya's upstart oil industry

East Africa is on the cusp of an oil and gas boom. This approaching energy surge can have a transformative effect on the economics of Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, and Tanzania. But there remain significant political and security risks facing industry.

DIIS Senior Researcher Luke Patey analyses the prospects and challenges facing Kenya’s oil industry in his new report: ‘Kenya: An African oil upstart in transition’.

He also discussed how the recent drop in international oil prices will impact East Africa’s oil and gas scene with Foreign Policy magazine.

Patey was recently appointed as a Research Associate at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, University of Oxford.


DIIS Eksperter

Luke Patey
Foreign policy and diplomacy
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5479
an African oil upstart in transition