
al-Qaeda remains more influential than Islamic State in Yemen

However, both organizations has grown in influence in Yemen since 2011

Yemen mainly reaches international headlines because of its status as a safe haven for terrorists, specifically what US officials have repeatedly referred to as the most dangerous branch of al-Qaeda, namely al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). The image of Yemen as a failed state, haunted by terrorist groups, was given further nourishment in November 2014 when Islamic State formally recognized Wilayat Yemen.

This article argues that AQAP remains far more influential than IS in Yemen. This is mainly due to separate strategies chosen by the two organizations. AQAP has chosen to take a more pragmatic approach to local communities, attempting to integrate itself and work with tribal structures where relevant, whereas IS to a larger degree, has relied on foreign fighters, uncompromising rhetoric and seemingly limitless violence.

IS has attempted to position itself as the true defender of Sunni Muslims in Yemen. This has led to increased sectarianism and levels of violence hitherto largely unknown to the Yemeni context, a situation that has in effect been abetted by the Saudi-led intervention that has pushed Yemen into an evolving humanitarian catastrophe. This deepening crisis deserves attention; first and foremost for the detrimental humanitarian costs it has in Yemen, and secondly, for the security threats it poses, primarily locally and regionally but also internationally.

The Winter 2017 issue ofConnectionsis dedicated to the controversies between al-Qaeda (AQ) and Islamic State (IS) and their historical, ideological or geographical affiliates. The special issue includes contributions from seven DIIS researchers. This article is one of the contributions.

Download all the contributions here


DIIS Eksperter

 Maria-Louise Clausen
Global security and worldviews
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5530
al-Qaeda remains more influential than Islamic State in Yemen, Disunity in global Jihad, the Winter 2017 issue of Connections
Islamic State in Yemen
A Rival to al-Qaeda?
Connections (Garmisch-Partenkirchen), 16, 50-62, 2017