DIIS Report

New DIIS report on Nordic views of great power politics in the Arctic

What can Denmark learn?

The Arctic is increasingly becoming a region marked by great power competition between the US, Russia and China.

This has caused trouble for the Nordic countries in the Arctic, who has had to handle and defuse both potential tensions with both Russia and China, and at the same manage relations with the US – their great power protector – whose new approach to the Artic now openly focuses on Russian and China as strategic competitors in the Arctic.

Building on interviews, official documents and the existing literature, this report looks into the experiences from Finland, Norway and Iceland in dealing with this dilemma with the aim of identifying points for consideration by Denmark.

DIIS Eksperter

Mikkel Runge Olesen
Foreign policy and diplomacy
Senior Researcher
+45 2851 0502
Intensifying great power politics in the Arctic
Intensifying great power politics in the Arctic - point of consideration by the Kingdom of Denmark
From an analysis of assesments and strategies in Finland, Norway and Iceland