The UN Peace and Security Studies at DIIS

The UN Peace and Security Studies are carried out by DIIS for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The aim of these studies is to provide multidisciplinary in-depth knowledge on topics such as peacekeeping, climate-security, and women, peace and security that are central for Danish engagement in UN’s peace work and as Denmark prepares for a candidacy in the UN Security Council for 2025-26.

The UN Security Council, The photo has been cropped

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • Christina Markus Lassen i FN's Sikkerhedsråd
    DIIS Auditorium
    Danmark har fået en plads FN's Sikkerhedsråd. På dette seminar sætter vi fokus på, hvad Danmark vil bruge positionen til og hvilke udfordringer, der venter
  • Security guard watching Somalian refugees
    DIIS Auditorium
    Countries affected by violent conflict and state fragility receive extremely low climate change funding, thus leaving behind populations considered most vulnerable to climate change. How can this paradox be addressed and what role can the UN play?
  • Why Russia seeks to expand its influence in Africa – and what it means for the West report illustration
    DIIS Auditorium
    Why and how is Russia expanding its influence in Africa after the 2022 invasion of Ukraine? And (in what way) has Russia been able to transform its influence into impact on African states' voting behaviour in the UN General Assembly. Those are some of the questions we will address at this seminar.
  • European and African leaders discussing climate change problems - AI generated
    DIIS Auditorium
    Join us for an open discussion on how to rethink climate, peace and security efforts with African partners
  • UN soldier
    DIIS Auditorium
    The closure of the UN mission in Mali in 2023 is bound to open up many questions about the future of peacekeeping as a form of multilateral intervention. Join this seminar to learn more from leading experts in the field
  • Zelensky speaking at United Nations headquaters
    DIIS Auditorium
    Thant Myint-U, internationally recognized historian, grandson of former UN General Secretary U Thant, and former UN diplomat, will discuss his recent research on the "recovered history" of the UN. He will explore what this means for Denmark as a potential member of the Security Council 2025 - 2026 and how the UN can address regional conflicts, like Myanmar
  • banner diis event africa
    Online Zoom meeting
    In this webinar, national and regional practitioners of the women, peace and security agenda exchange their experiences in advancing women’s role in peace governance and challenges for policy implementation in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali and beyond
  • Albania in the UN Security Council
    Denmark has launched its campaign for the UNSC in 2025-2026 but what can Denmark hope to achieve in the UN Security Council if elected?
  • Drought in Somalia Dead animal because of climate change
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar brings together scholars and practitioners to discuss pathways for a broadened climate security agenda on fragile states centered on addressing livelihood and security needs of populations
  • UN Security Council - Norway
    DIIS, Auditorium
    How small states can navigate the UNSC in the new era of great power rivalry


Helene Maria Kyed
Fred og vold
+45 4096 3309