Diplomati og internationale organisationer

Vi oplever voldsomme forandringer i den internationale orden. Dynamiske vækstøkonomier vokser i størrelse og vigtighed, og det globale civil samfund mangfoldiggøres. Men vores multilaterale institutioner for global politik og regeringsførelse tilpasser sig ikke rigtigt denne nye verdensorden.

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • Chinese coast guard in the South China Sea
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar takes stock of tensions in the South China sea. Leading experts will discuss the geopolitical, legal and economic implications of current developments
  • Christina Markus Lassen i FN's Sikkerhedsråd
    DIIS Auditorium
    Danmark har fået en plads FN's Sikkerhedsråd. På dette seminar sætter vi fokus på, hvad Danmark vil bruge positionen til og hvilke udfordringer, der venter
  • Bamako (Mali). Fransk soldat efter angreb mod Hotel Azalaï, hovedsæde for EU’s militære træningsmission i Mali (EUTM), 2016
    DIIS Auditorium
    The recent coups in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger reflect how new military rulers seek to redefine regional dynamics. Amid great power rivalry, how does the coups impact European engagements in the Sahel?
  • Summit of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Riyadh
    DIIS Auditorium
    How will the Gaza war change the Middle East and how will a future Middle East look like? What impact will it have on perceptions of the rules-based world order?
  • Soldater i Vestafrika
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar sheds light on the myriad challenges shaping West Africa and discusses the recent political upheavals, the growing influence of Russia, and the complex web of migration patterns intersecting the region and beyond
  • Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar brings together leading scholars on humanitarianism to discuss the state of humanitarianism today, its historical entanglements and its future
  • People in Taiwan
    DIIS, auditorium
    This DIIS seminar takes a closer look at recent developments in Cross-Strait relations and the wider Taiwan conflict as seen from a European perspective
  • Risk game
    DIIS, auditorium
    Geopolitiske trusler og udfordringer har fyldt meget i den offentlige debat de seneste år. Men hvad handler debatten egentlig om? Hvad består de geopolitiske trusler og udfordringer i? Kom til DIIS seminar og få tryktestet disse spørgsmål
  • Big Loop of Saar River near Orscholz, Mettlach, Saarland, Germany, Europe
    DIIS Auditorium
    Power, theory and practice are each inescapable for understanding international relations. In the case of all three, Stefano Guzzini's contributions have been core to advancing scholarship
  • South China sea disputes, water cannon against Philippines
    DIIS, Auditorium
    Viewed as an important strategic waterway from a regional and global perspective, the South China Sea has long constituted a critical arena for various maritime and territorial disputes that are now resurfacing.
  • Bogforside af Lars Erslev
    Reception fra kl. 17.00-18.00
    I anledning af udgivelsen af bogen 'Den amerikanske mission. Mytologi og magt' af Lars Erslev Andersen organiserer DIIS seminar om USA’s globale rolle i en verdensorden under hastig forandring. Seminaret bliver efterfulgt af reception, der samtidig markerer, at Lars Erslev Andersen 4. juli kunne fejre 40 års jubilæum i statens tjeneste.
  • Children in Uummannaq
    DIIS, auditorium
    To understand what future course, Greenland might be setting itself on, DIIS invites for a seminar with professor Rafael Cox Alomar, expert in comparative constitutional law in the context of decolonization.
  • Zelensky speaking at United Nations headquaters
    DIIS Auditorium
    Thant Myint-U, internationally recognized historian, grandson of former UN General Secretary U Thant, and former UN diplomat, will discuss his recent research on the "recovered history" of the UN. He will explore what this means for Denmark as a potential member of the Security Council 2025 - 2026 and how the UN can address regional conflicts, like Myanmar
  • US-China tech
    DIIS Auditorium
    From climate change to artificial intelligence, China will need to play an important role if the world is to meet its mounting ecological and technological challenges. But how should we balance cooperation and competition with an assertive China?
  • European Political Community, European Union
    Online via Zoom
    Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has upended the political constellation of the wider Europe. In the wake of the invasion, The European Political Community (EPC) was launched in October 2022 by 44 European countries, including all 27 EU member states. The EPC's establishment raises new questions about the European security architecture and institutional alignment in light of Russia’s invasion. At this webinar we take a closer look at what this new body can and cannot achieve.
  • Livestreaming
    DIIS Auditorium
    When disaster strike, diaspora groups are often first responders and remain engaged during lengthy and complex crises. Join this roundtable where we discuss practices, possibilities and pitfalls
  • Putin and Xi meeting Moscow
    Researcher explains why great powers like China and India challenge international order.
  • Livestreaming
    DIIS Auditorium
    Med krigen i Ukraine, opblomstringen af nye autoritære regimer, de gamle demokratier under pres, stormagtsrivalisering og nye sprækker mellem det globale nord og syd står verden overfor en række nærmest uoverskuelige strategiske udfordringer. Tidligere udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitisk rådgiver for både Obama og Clinton, professor Charles Kupchan, giver på dette seminar sin analyse af verden af i morgen.
  • UN Security Council meeting Zelensky
    A year into Russia's war in Ukraine and with the UN Security Council caught up in great power rivalry, this event explores strategies available to non-permanent elected members of the UN Security Council to exert influence
  • Blinken og Lavrov corona greeting
    Online via Zoom
    This webinar brings together officials and experts from Denmark, Greenland, Norway and Finland to discuss the current and future state of the Arctic Council following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
  • Tank, Krigen i Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    The seminar explores the underlying causes of Russia’s war in Ukraine and discusses its implications for international order, with a special focus on the UN system
  • President of Russia Vladimir Putin gives a speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club meeting, in Moscow Oblast, Russia.
    DIIS Auditorium
    At least two positions are taking shape around the ongoing war in Ukraine. One states that the world is facing the same old Russia, and so any change can come as a result of its defeat on the battlefield. The other is detecting important changes in Russian foreign policy articulations and political culture generally. The seminar will focus on the analytical tools required for deciding between these two positions
  • Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at NATO Madrid Summit 2022
    DIIS Auditorium
    In an unpredictable and contested security environment, defining the major security challenges and strategic priorities is crucial. But does NATO's strategic concept represent fundamental change or is it business as expected?
  • Indo-Pacific map
    DIIS Auditorium
    Asiens geopolitiske landkort er under hastig forandring i takt med at stormagtsrivaliseringen mellem USA og Kina intensiveres - implikationerne for Europa og Danmark er vidtrækkende.
  • Tank i en skov i Ukraine
    Online via Zoom
    In late 2022, the UN General Assembly is expected to adopt a set of guiding principles for the Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict (PERAC). This webinar will present and discuss the principles as well as the problems relating to their implementation. We have invited three organizations to identify key issues in moving this agenda forward
