Fred og konflikt

DIIS forsker i de komplekse årsager til konflikt og giver dybdegående viden om fredsprocesser i en række lande.

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • Cover DIIS Report 2024 02.jpg
    DIIS Report
    In parallel to its 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Russia has ramped up its activities in Africa
  • Spejdere på ISAF hold 1, Afghanistan 2006
    Danske soldater, der var vidende om afghanske politifolks overgreb på mindreårige, hjemsøges af oplevelserne. Den type moralske krigstraumer er systemet ikke gearet til at håndtere.
  • Cover for brief on aid in Ukraine #2
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Ukraine presents a unique challenge for many international humanitarian organisations. Operating in a context of heightened geo-political and donor interest, and in close proximity to military actors, amateur volunteer groups and Ukrainian civil society are testing the core principles of neutrality and impartiality that once underpinned humanitarian work.
  • Cover for brief on aid in Ukraine
    DIIS Policy Brief
    An interstate war in Europe presents new security challenges for humanitarians. Along the 960km Ukraine-Russia frontline, humanitarian infrastructure has been hit by shelling, missiles and drone strikes, and aid delivery disrupted by electronic warfare. Supporting specialised training and removing outdated bureaucratic burdens are some of the ways in which donors and policymakers can help humanitarian organisations adapt to this new context.
  • UN soldier
    DIIS Auditorium
    The closure of the UN mission in Mali in 2023 is bound to open up many questions about the future of peacekeeping as a form of multilateral intervention. Join this seminar to learn more from leading experts in the field
  • Illustration of William Pitt and Napoleon Bonaparte cutting the world
    DIIS Auditorium
    Past, present and future
  • Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar brings together leading scholars on humanitarianism to discuss the state of humanitarianism today, its historical entanglements and its future
  • Soldater fra Karenni National Defence Force
    Tre år efter at Myanmars stærke militær kuppede sig til magten i 2021, kan det meget vel tabe kampen mod modstanden, der for alvor vandt frem i 2023. Fremtiden for de demokratiske kræfter i Myanmar er dog stadig usikker.
  • Somaliland
  • Cover Gender-responsive development DIIS WP 2023 11.jpg
    DIIS Working Paper
    opportunities for co-operation between the African Union, its member states and Denmark
  • IMR - International Migration Review cover
    Improvisation, culture, and volatility in migration infrastructures
  • Myanmar people waiting outside prison
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar discusses what it means for people in Myanmar to ‘live with crisis’ in the context of escalating and intersecting forms of crisis
  • Burmese girl riding bicycle in flood area
    Digital publikation
    Det er klogt at udelukke Myanmars militærjunta fra COP, men FN kunne overveje alternative repræsentanter. Som et minimum er det vigtigt, at der er stemmer i COP-regi, der sætter konfliktramte og klimaskrøbelige lande som Myanmar på dagsordenen, så de ikke bliver glemt når der skal deles ud af den globale klimafinansiering.
  • Biometric fingerprint
    Towards a new paradigm of non-knowledge in digital humanitarianism
  • afghanistan-amerikanske-soldater-moralske-skader-ptsd
    Amerikanske krigsveteraner lider ikke bare af ptsd, men af moralske skader. Forskningen peger på, at de moralske skader kan være endog meget skadelige og langvarige. Desuden tyder meget på, at eksisterende behandlingsformer for ptsd virker dårligt ved moralske skader. En ny terapeutisk tilgang vinder frem i USA. Den har fokus på tilgivelse - og har et stærkt religiøst islæt.
  • Ship and boats with immigrants
    DIIS Auditorium
    What does it mean to rescue at sea? And how does it feel to be rescued? This seminar sheds light on the work of Doctors without Borders on the current situation on the deadliest migration route in the world, the Mediterranean Sea
  • South China sea disputes, water cannon against Philippines
    DIIS, Auditorium
    Viewed as an important strategic waterway from a regional and global perspective, the South China Sea has long constituted a critical arena for various maritime and territorial disputes that are now resurfacing.
  • Paying the price
    Major new study reveals how al-Shabaab and government-affiliated actors extract wealth from trade and vulnerable populations.
  • Inauguration ceremony for Somali MPs
    Somalia’s political landscape is increasingly fragmented due to regional and clan differences. Is this the end of the centralized state and a unified, national identity?
  • Demonstration Palæstina
    Modstanden er det eneste, det internationale samfund og Israel har efterladt til palæstinenserne. Efterladt og omgivet af arabiske stater, der prioriterer diplomatiske forbindelser til Israel, ville palæstinenserne til sidst indse, at de havde tabt deres sag, sagde Netanyahu i februar. Denne proces har Hamasangrebet sat på pause eller ligefrem sønderskudt. Nu er alle de tendenser til afspænding i Mellemøsten, som i længere tid havde været i gang, kortsluttet.
  • Den amerikanske mission
    Ny bog går bag om den amerikanske sikkerhedspolitik og beskriver, hvordan den er formet af protestantisme og myter om civilisation og magt.
  • Somali Diaspora
    The case of Somalia
  • banner diis event africa
    Online Zoom meeting
    In this webinar, national and regional practitioners of the women, peace and security agenda exchange their experiences in advancing women’s role in peace governance and challenges for policy implementation in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali and beyond
  • emmerson-mnangagwa-vladimir-putin
    Efter endnu et miskrediteret valg i Zimbabwe vil standardreaktionen fra det internationale samfund formentlig være endnu en gang at vende Zimbabwe ryggen. Og endnu en gang vil resultatet ikke være opblomstring af demokrati og reformer. I stedet vil Zimbabwe styrke båndene til Kina, Rusland og Mellemøsten.