
Hvilke former for terrorisme og ekstremisme har relevans for Danmarks sikkerhed, og hvordan bekæmper, forebygger og håndterer vi disse trusler?

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • mali_jihadisme_antiterror_statsopbygning_frankrig_danmark_eu
    Vesten vil bekæmpe terror i Sahelregionen uden at lave statsopbygning. Men manglende tiltro til en korrupt stat er netop en af de ting, der giver jihadisterne medvind i for eksempel Mali.
  • Strategic Autonomy
    Interviews with Danish policy makers show that they are becoming more open to the idea of the EU acting as an independent unity on e.g. security issues, as long as it doesn’t compromise NATO and the transatlantic relationship.
  • Mali, Irish Defence Force
    Nyt forskningsprojekt
    I et nyt forskningsprojekt skal forskere fra DIIS undersøge, hvad der sker, når EU laver civile indsatser og træner og opruster hæren i en række meget ustabile lande i den afrikanske Sahel-region
  • fear of secularism islam cover
    Islamist Narratives on a Doctrinal Threat
  • Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant fighters pose in a propaganda photo released by the organization
    Hvis Vesten skal lykkes med en ny sikkerhedspolitisk strategi mod islamisme og terrorisme, skal forestillingen om jihadismen som en ensartet, entydig og udynamisk bevægelse lægges i graven, skriver seniorforsker Mona Kanwal Sheikh.
  • World Trade Center 11. september 2001. Foto: Michael Foran/Wikimedia Commons
    Vesten kæmper stadig med at finde en måde, hvorpå bekæmpelse af terror og demokrati kan følges ad
  • Et dansk Fly-Away Security Team i gang med evakueringen af afghanere, der har samarbejdet med danske myndigheder, fra Kabul i Afghanistan til Islamabad i Pakistan. Foto: Rune Dyrholm/Forsvarsgalleriet
    På under en måned er den 20-årige krig mod terror vendt totalt på hovedet. Den fundamentalistiske Taliban-organisation ligner nu en vestlig allieret i kampen mod global jihadisme. Og Danmark skal finde nye venner i kampen for at bremse terror og migrationsstrømme mod EU.
  • Transnational Jihad – Explaining Escalation and Containment, photo by getmilitaryphotos
    This seminar takes stock of the global jihadi movement 20 years after 9/11. Leading scholars will share their thoughts on the internal debates and divisions within the jihadi movement today.
  • Remains of the World Trade Center
    DIIS Auditorie
    Hvad gjorde 11. september ved Vestens syn på krig, sikkerhed og soldaten?
  • Taliban fighters take control of Afghan presidential palace after the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021. (AP Photo/Zabi Karimi)
    Afghanistan has evolved during the past twenty years, and so have the Taliban. They seem to be well aware that, they will not get the support, investments and recognition they need from the international community to legitimize their rule, if they resort to their old ways.
  • Men adjust the Taliban flag before the arrival of Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid
    DIIS Comment
  • Jihad al-Qaeda Afghanistan Illustration: Rasmus Fly Filbert
    Long Read
    På trods af tilbageslag for Islamisk Stat i Irak og Syrien er transnational jihad et fænomen, der vinder frem i store dele af verden, hvor de forskellige jihad-bevægelser skærper både deres operationelle og ideologiske struktur. DIIS-forskerne Mona Kanwal Sheikh og Saer El-Jaichi arbejder på et værk om jihadismens begreber. Her er et par af begreberne og den moderne jihadismes rødder i Afghanistan forklaret af de to forskere
  • Declaring allegiance
    Q & A
    Though decimated in many ways, al-Qaeda and Islamic State are still very much present in the shape of affiliated jihadist groups around the world. In this interview PhD fellow Dino Krause stresses the importance of understanding the nature of these groups in order for the international community to better address the jihadist threat.
  • Danske soldater vender hjem fra Afghanistan
    Det politiske og militære kollaps og Talibans overtagelse af magten i Afghanistan har allerede ledt til debat om, hvad Vesten og Danmark fik ud af et 20-årigt engagement i landet. Et faktum er, at det danske bidrag medvirkede til at forbedre Danmarks anseelse i USA.
  • Transnational Jihad – Explaining Escalation and Containment, photo by getmilitaryphotos.jpg
    DIIS Comment
    Hvad kommer Talibans sejr og den seneste udvikling i Afghanistan til at betyde for den globale jihad-bevægelse. Bliver landet igen en base for al-Qaeda?  Og vil Taliban distancere sig fra transnationale jihadister i overensstemmelse med den aftale, de har indgået med amerikanerne?
  • Men adjust the Taliban flag before the arrival of Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid
    DIIS Comment
    9/11 and the US-led invasion of Afghanistan that followed have been defining events for the development of global jihadism during the past twenty years. With the return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda and IS are back in the international spotlight. The latter organisations have managed to regroup, reorganise and strike back over the years: how will the Taliban takeover affect their future, both in Afghanistan and abroad? And what can research tell us about the development of al-Qaeda and IS over the past two decades?
  • west africa
    Online via Zoom
    It matters how the dynamics of West Africa are discussed. Join this webinar to understand why, and hear more about appropriate responses to some of the main challenges that the region is facing.
  • Feminist Philosophy, Year book
    New article in The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Philosophy
  • Photo
    This webinar launches the publication “Religion, Conflict and Global Society – A Festschrift Celebrating Mark Juergensmeyer” edited by Mona Kanwal Sheikh and Isak Svensson. Some of the distinguished contributors and Mark Juergensmeyer will address the themes that the book takes up, such as conceptual debates on secularism, cosmic war, and the globalization of Global Studies.
  • Cover Religion, Conflict and Global society - A Festschrift Celebrating Mark Juergensmeyer, DIIS Book, May 21
    DIIS Book
    New book in honour of Mark Juergensmeyer collects 22 contributions from leading scholars around the world
  • West Africa cover
    DIIS Report
    Kwesi Aning explains
  • Pexels. Jens Mahnke.
    Likvideringen af Osama Bin Laden havde mest symbolsk betydning. Den transnationale jihadisme er fortsat uanfægtet
  • OSCE
    Gender, conflict settlement and democratization. Take a look inside the 2021 OSCE catalogue as we open the doors to the world’s largest regional security organization and give you three prominent speakers
  • Pexels. Jens Mahnke.
    Deplatforming er en effektiv metode til at begrænse bestemte individer og gruppers indflydelse og taletid. Men er det etisk forsvarligt? Og hvilke uventede konsekvenser har det? De spørgsmål bliver vi nødt til at forholde os til.