
DIIS event

Ukraine: The wider security developments in and around Ukraine

DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. This seminar discusses the challenge of dealing with acute security threats and reforming a state at war
Soldiers in Ukraine

Watch the recording of the seminar here


Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has led the security agenda of Ukraine to become wider, deeper, more complex and nuanced and, of course, more acute. The most acute part of this agenda relates to the Russian occupation and continued war against Ukraine, but other highly important parts relate for instance to Ukraine's relations with international organisations (such as NATO and the EU) and with domestic security reforms.

This seminar offers a discussion of some of these aspects of the wider security developments in and around Ukraine.


Vitalii Fedoriienko, National Defence University of Ukraine
Andrew Wilson, University College London, UK
Flemming Splidsboel Hansen, Senior Researcher, DIIS
Tom Røseth, National Defence University College, Norway
Moderator: Håvard Swane Bækken, National Defence University College, Norway


11.30-11.35     Welcome, Flemming Splidsboel Hansen
11.35-13.00     Presentations on the wider security developments in Ukraine:

  • Spreading of Russian narratives: Measuring of the dynamic of changing information environment, Vitalii Fedoriienko
  • Russian influences and the future of political technology in Ukraine, Andrew Wilson
  • Security sector reform in Ukraine: The big breakthrough, Flemming Splidsboel Hansen
  • Comparing failure and success? Ukrainian intelligence warning and responses in 2014 and 2022, Tom Røseth

13.00-13.15     Coffee break
13.15-14.00     Q&A session
14.00     Closing remarks, Flemming Splidsboel Hansen

The seminar was held and recorded on 14 June 2024, 11.30-14.00 in DIIS Auditorium.

Seminar series on Ukraine

From the status of the war over life in the temporarily occupied territories and the reconstruction of Mykolaiv to the wider security implications of the war and Ukraine's reform efforts, this seminar series offers a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. The series brings a group of Ukrainian scholars to DIIS, where they will be joined by Norwegian, British and other colleagues.

The seminar series will be held on Thursday 13 June and Friday 14 June 2024. Both days will have a morning session followed by an early afternoon session. Sandwich lunch will be provided to guests.

Read more and sign up for the other seminars below this box.

Senior Researcher Flemming Splidsboel Hansen is hosting and leading the seminar series.

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14 June 2024 11:30–14:00
DIIS Auditorium

DIIS Experts

Flemming Splidsboel Hansen
Foreign policy and diplomacy
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5602