Tidligere events og webinarer

Her er vores tidligere events og webinarer
  • Danish Foreign Policy Review 2024
    DIIS Auditorium
    Join us for the release of Danish Foreign Policy Review 2024 and a reflection on the new geopolitical realities and the changing threats
  • Soldiers in Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. This seminar discusses the challenge of dealing with acute security threats and reforming a state at war
  • Russian troops in Popasna, Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. At this seminar, James Nixey from Chatham House will give a talk on the lessons learned and the prospects for the war in Ukraine
  • Building in Kyiv, Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. At this seminar, we take a closer look at how Russian occupation of the temporarily occupied territories in Ukraine has been accompanied by strategies and policies to change the composition, both physically and mentally, of these territories
  • Tractor with Danish and Ukrainian flags in Mykolaiv
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS offers a compact series of a total of four seminars to give you a comprehensive understanding of some of the most pressing issues relating to Ukraine. This seminar will zoom in on Mykolaiv and Denmark’s support to the reconstruction of the city and region
  • Chinese coast guard in the South China Sea
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar takes stock of tensions in the South China sea. Leading experts will discuss the geopolitical, legal and economic implications of current developments
  • Men pushing truck, Burkina Faso
    Online via Zoom
    In vulnerable areas of the Global South, climate change is undermining the social relations that are central to functioning, flourishing societies. What is going on, and how can policy and programming respond? This webinar shares new knowledge from a cooperation between DIIS, the Danish Red Cross, and partners in Ghana and Niger
  • Christina Markus Lassen i FN's Sikkerhedsråd
    DIIS Auditorium
    Danmark har fået en plads FN's Sikkerhedsråd. På dette seminar sætter vi fokus på, hvad Danmark vil bruge positionen til og hvilke udfordringer, der venter
  • Fodgængermotiv
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar discusses the drivers of recent policy changes in Nordic countries, their impact, interlinkages and future challenges
  • Bamako (Mali). Fransk soldat efter angreb mod Hotel Azalaï, hovedsæde for EU’s militære træningsmission i Mali (EUTM), 2016
    DIIS Auditorium
    The recent coups in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger reflect how new military rulers seek to redefine regional dynamics. Amid great power rivalry, how does the coups impact European engagements in the Sahel?
  • Security guard watching Somalian refugees
    DIIS Auditorium
    Countries affected by violent conflict and state fragility receive extremely low climate change funding, thus leaving behind populations considered most vulnerable to climate change. How can this paradox be addressed and what role can the UN play?
  • Vredens bær Foto: Søren Meisner
    Republique, Østerfælled Torv 37, 2100 København Ø
    27. maj kan du komme i teateret med DIIS og få 20% rabat på Teater Kalejdoskops forestilling ’Vredens bær’
  • Summit of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Riyadh
    DIIS Auditorium
    How will the Gaza war change the Middle East and how will a future Middle East look like? What impact will it have on perceptions of the rules-based world order?
  • Ledere af europæiske højrefløjspartier samlet ved et møde i Koblenz 2017
    DIIS Auditorium
    Op til et europaparlamentsvalg, hvor det yderste højre står til den største fremgang nogensinde, ser vi nærmere på hvilket verdenssyn og visioner for Europa, der driver den yderste højrefløj
  • Muslim militant in sunset
    DIIS Auditorium
    Why have we never seen peace negotiations with current or former affiliates of al-Qaeda or the Islamic State? And what could we expect to happen if such a strategy was in fact pursued?
  • Rigsarkiv Helsinki Finland
    DIIS Auditorium
    Archives have played and continue to play a crucial role in decolonisation processes in the North. And control over archives regarding colonial histories today play key roles in truth and reconciliation processes playing out in the North.
  • Soldater i Vestafrika
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar sheds light on the myriad challenges shaping West Africa and discusses the recent political upheavals, the growing influence of Russia, and the complex web of migration patterns intersecting the region and beyond
  • Locally-led Adaptation report and pb cover
    Online via Zoom
    Climate change adaptation in the Global South is urgent. Locally-led approaches are gaining momentum. But what does that mean in practice and does it work? This webinar launches a new DIIS report on lessons from locally-led adaptation in East Africa
  • Why Russia seeks to expand its influence in Africa – and what it means for the West report illustration
    DIIS Auditorium
    Why and how is Russia expanding its influence in Africa after the 2022 invasion of Ukraine? And (in what way) has Russia been able to transform its influence into impact on African states' voting behaviour in the UN General Assembly. Those are some of the questions we will address at this seminar.
  • Gaza Palestinians near the border separating the Gaza Strip and Egypt in Rafah
    DIIS Auditorium
    Gaza var en del af Egypten fra 1948-1967, og egypterne har kæmpet fire krige mod Israel, men var samtidig det første arabiske land, der sluttede fred med Israel i 1979 . I dag frygter egypterne, at to millioner palæstinensere fra Gaza vil blive presset ind i et Egypten, der er ramt af en dyb økonomisk krise. På dette seminar giver vi indblik i, hvordan krigen påvirker egypterne
  • Iver Huitfeldt navy ship to the Red Sea
    DIIS, auditorium
    Hvad vil houthierne opnå med deres angreb, og hvad kan konsekvensen blive af den danske deltagelse i modangrebet? Det giver fire eksperter svar på til dette seminar
  • European and African leaders discussing climate change problems - AI generated
    DIIS Auditorium
    Join us for an open discussion on how to rethink climate, peace and security efforts with African partners
  • UN soldier
    DIIS Auditorium
    The closure of the UN mission in Mali in 2023 is bound to open up many questions about the future of peacekeeping as a form of multilateral intervention. Join this seminar to learn more from leading experts in the field
  • Illustration of William Pitt and Napoleon Bonaparte cutting the world
    DIIS Auditorium
    Past, present and future
  • Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar brings together leading scholars on humanitarianism to discuss the state of humanitarianism today, its historical entanglements and its future


Amalie Risvig Skovbo
+45 9132 5491
Emilie Hedegaard Jensen
+45 9132 5472