
Tech for democracy

Learnings from the Year of Action

In 2021, the Danish government and Danish authorities launched the Tech for Democracy initiative as a flagship multistakeholder contribution to the U.S. Summit for Democracy. Through high-level conferences and diplomatic efforts, the multistakeholder push for protecting and promoting democracy and human rights in an era of rapid technological development brought together representatives from governments, multilateral organizations, tech industry, and civil society.

In addition, the initiative launched the Copenhagen Pledge: a political commitment to make digital technologies work for, not against, democracy and human rights, which has been signed by more than 200 governments, civil society organizations, and technology companies.

In a new report commissioned by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DIIS researchers take stock of the initiative’s efforts during its so-called Year of Action. The report finds that Tech for Democracy established novel collaborations, produced knowledge and evidence, built principles of democratic technological development and use, and provided inputs to important international political, regulatory, and normative processes.

Looking to the future of political efforts on technology and democracy, the report underscores the need for ensuring that digital technologies further enhance democratic institutions, processes, and practice through principles of protection, non-discrimination, and privacy. All of these pursuits are a joint responsibility of tech companies and governments, accentuating that digital governance requires strong international cooperation and multilateralism to ensure accountability and responsibility.


DIIS Eksperter

Adam Fejerskov
Sustainable development and governance
Senior Researcher
+45 3269 8779
Trine Rosengren Pejstrup
Peace and violence
Research Assistant
+45 5275 6064
Alma Tjalve
Peace and violence
Research Assistant
Tech for Democracy
Tech for democracy
Learnings from the Year of Action