Forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitiske studier på DIIS

DIIS udarbejder hvert år under de Forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitiske studier (FSPS) en række projekter aftalt efter samråd med Forsvarsministeriet og med afsæt i uafhængig forskning og analyse. Projekterne afdækker forhold med relevans og betydning for dansk forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitik, og er baseret paå empirisk materiale, interviews, feltstudier og samarbejde med andre forskere og forskningsinstitutioner.  

DANCON Irak juni 2004. Foto:
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Projekterne på FSPS2024 afdækker en bred vifte af emner med relevans for Danmarks sikkerhed, hvoraf flere har afsæt i den aktuelle situation i Ukraine, og ligger inden for fem overordnede temaer:  

  1. Ruslands invasion af Ukraine
  1. Østersøen, Arktis og nordisk forsvarssamarbejde
  1. Ny teknologi og dansk sikkerhedspolitik
  1. Europæisk forsvarssamarbejde og NATO
  1. Usikkerhed og terrorisme i Nordafrika og Mellemøsten 

Spørgsmål om strategisk projektkoordinering, kontakt seniorforsker og FSPS-programleder Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke:

Spørgsmål om administration, kontakt seniorcontroller og administrativ FSPS-koordinator Jette


Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke
Enhedsleder, seniorforsker
+45 3269 8938
Jette Albrechtsen
+45 6185 1543

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • DIIS_PB_War-volunteers_June_2024_Cover.jpg
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Citizens traveling to participate in foreign wars have long posed significant challenges for states. The advent of smartphones and global connectivity has added new layers of complexity to this issue. With a particular focus on the conflict in Ukraine, this brief explores how digital technologies are reshaping the landscape of foreign participation in warfare.
  • 03_Kaliningrad Oblast 2024_COVER.jpg
    DIIS Report
    Russia will keep using the semi-exclave to provoke its neighbours and fuel its belligerent anti-Western rhetoric
  • Europes role in the sahel
    DIIS Policy Brief
  • Cover DIIS Report 2024 11.jpg
    DIIS Report
    New report outlines the improvisation of the legion and tells the story of Danish volunteers
  • Corporate Cosmos - cover
    DIIS Report
    The commercial American space industry has political ideas that are shaping our future, shows new report
  • Cover DIIS Report 2024 06.jpg
    DIIS Report
    Safeguarding Europe's energy infrastructure
  • Cover DIIS Report 2024 05.jpg
    DIIS Report
    The EU’s path out of the energy crisis
  • kamp-proliferationsfinansiering-policy-brief-iran-atommuseum
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Det internationale samfund har indledt en intensiveret indsats mod proliferationsfinansiering. Formålet er at blokere de finan-sielle kanaler til spredning af masseødelæggesvåben.
  • Krig i informationsrummet
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Krig i informationsrummet udfordrer ytringsfriheden
  • How the Nordic countries approach Taiwan
    DIIS Report
    How the Nordics approach Taiwan
  • Cover for brief on aid in Ukraine #2
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Ukraine presents a unique challenge for many international humanitarian organisations. Operating in a context of heightened geo-political and donor interest, and in close proximity to military actors, amateur volunteer groups and Ukrainian civil society are testing the core principles of neutrality and impartiality that once underpinned humanitarian work.
  • dependency-china-green-minerals-cover
    DIIS Policy Brief
    The European Union must resist embracing fatalism when it comes to lowering dependencies on China in critical mineral supply chains essential to producing clean energy technologies
  • Cover for brief on aid in Ukraine
    DIIS Policy Brief
    An interstate war in Europe presents new security challenges for humanitarians. Along the 960km Ukraine-Russia frontline, humanitarian infrastructure has been hit by shelling, missiles and drone strikes, and aid delivery disrupted by electronic warfare. Supporting specialised training and removing outdated bureaucratic burdens are some of the ways in which donors and policymakers can help humanitarian organisations adapt to this new context.
  • Cover DIIS Report 2024 01.jpg
    DIIS Report
    Geostrategiske trusselsperceptioner og handlingsmønstre med relevans for Danmark
  • Somaliland
  • DIIS_PB_EU_Technology_Resilience_Autonomy_WEB_Cover.jpg
    DIIS Policy Brief
    In the face of growing international competition between both individual states and coalitions of states, the European Union is developing a new approach towards technological resilience and autonomy.
  • DIIS_Energy som våben_FORSIDE.jpg
    DIIS Policy Brief
    ‘Energy blackmail’ became a buzzword following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and the subsequent energy crisis, but the phenomenon is not new. Energy blackmail has been employed by states to leverage their strategic energy resources for decades. In Europe, the weaponisation of energy predates Vladimir Putin’s time in Kremlin. Despite EU efforts to diversify its energy supply, the threat of energy blackmail persists, posing challenges not only to traditional energy dependencies but also to the increasingly digitalised energy sector.
  • DIIS_Østersøen og Arktis i dansk forsvarspolitik_forside.jpg
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Prioritering er vigtig når behovene er mange og ressourcerne få. Men en styrkelse af dansk forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitik i Arktis må ikke ske på bekostning af Danmarks rolle i Østersøen eller blive en del af nye besparelser.
  • Cover brief om Vestbalkan
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Nye udfordringer for EU
  • Cover brien counter piracy Guinea Bay
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Climate change, illegal fishing, and environmental damage all contribute to the lack of security that coastal populations in the Gulf of Guinea suffer from. To Denmark, as well as several other European countries, the Gulf of Guinea remains an important region for commercial shipping. To enhance responses to piracy and crime at sea it is necessary to take a holistic approach which also considers the lack of opportunities for making a legal and sustainable living in the region.
  • Issittumi silap pissusianik ilisimatusarnerit nunat akornanni politikkikkut nalorninartorsiorfiupput
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Ruslandip nunallu killiit attaveqarnermikkut unittooqqanerat Issittumut politikkikkut ilisimatusarnikkullu sunniutaat imaannaanngillat. Piffissanngorpoq eqqarsaatigissallugu nunat akornanni politikkikkut avissaartuunneq tamanna silap pissusianik ilisimatusarnermut ilisimatusarnernilu paasissutissanut qanoq atuukkunnaartinneqarsinnaanersoq.
  • vietnam-udenrigspolitik-policy-brief
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Vietnam balancerer rivaliseringen mellem USA og Kina gennem et særdeles aktivt diplomati, der omfatter partnerskaber og frihandelsaftaler med særligt asiatiske og europæiske lande. Stormagtsrivaliseringen åbner op for, at EU, herunder Danmark, kan få større indflydelse i forhold til et af Sydøstasiens mest dynamiske lande.
  • Cover Cyber espionage DIIS Report 2023 04.jpg
    DIIS Report
    The rise of cyber espionage has created new challenges for international law, but states are hesitant to let international law limit their ability to spy online
  • Children in Uummannaq
    DIIS, auditorium
    To understand what future course, Greenland might be setting itself on, DIIS invites for a seminar with professor Rafael Cox Alomar, expert in comparative constitutional law in the context of decolonization.
  • Children in Uummannaq
    DIIS, auditorium
    To understand what future course, Greenland might be setting itself on, DIIS invites for a seminar with professor Rafael Cox Alomar, expert in comparative constitutional law in the context of decolonization.
  • søkabler-illustration-grønland
    Online via Zoo
    I digitaliserede samfund har internetblackouts katastrofale konsekvenser. Det gælder også i Grønland, hvor kun to søkabler forbinder landet. Derfor stiller dette webinar skarpt på, hvordan internet-forsyningssikkerheden kan øges
  • Children in Uummannaq
    The auditorium in Pikialaarfik (the black building next to Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland Kivioq 5, Nuuk
    To understand what future course, Greenland might be setting itself on, DIIS in collaboration with Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland invites for a seminar in Nuuk
  • Children in Uummannaq
    The auditorium in Pikialaarfik (the black building next to Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland Kivioq 5, Nuuk
    For at forstå, hvad det er for en kurs, Grønland måske er ved at vælge, inviterer DIIS i samarbejde med Ilisimatusarfik/Grønlands Universitet til seminar i Nuuk
  • Army Map Service. Med tilladelse fra University of Minnesota. Polar Geospational Center, University of Minnesota (reference ID: GRL REF-MT0503-052).
    Online via Zoom
    På webinaret diskuteres den igangværende kortlægning i en historisk kontekst som knytter suverænitetsspørgsmål tæt sammen med kortlægning
  • Mining machinery in Greenland
    What motivates Chinese companies - and their Western counterparts?
  • west africa
    Online via Zoom
    It matters how the dynamics of West Africa are discussed. Join this webinar to understand why, and hear more about appropriate responses to some of the main challenges that the region is facing.
  • Pipes for the construction of the Nord Stream 2
    When do energy projects transform from everyday technical matters to security issues? Is energy increasingly becoming a matter of international security dynamics? Join this panel discussion with experts with a specific view to the two gas pipeline projects currently under construction in the Baltic Sea.
  • Narsaq, Greenland. Photo: Andrew Testa/Ate03040grn/Ritzau Scanpix
    A discussion based on the new Policy Brief 'Greenland’s minerals to consolidate China’s rare earth dominance?'
  • Ethiopia_Welcome_Ceremony_Tigray
    Online via Zoom
    This webinar sets out to discuss the latest developments in Tigray as well as the international community’s options for intervention
  • Photo of Kony with abducted children in Paicho
    Religion and armed struggle
  • Livestreaming
    Trade and technology, diplomacy and defense, and the decade ahead


Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke
Udenrigspolitik og diplomati
Enhedsleder, seniorforsker
+45 3269 8938
Jette Albrechtsen
+45 6185 1543