
The role of Spanish migrant diasporas in development

The social capital of migrant organisations holds an untapped potential

Several migrant-receiving countries have experimented with collaboration with migrant organisations for development in the countries of origin of the migrants, among them Spain.

A new monograph edited by Joan Lacomba presents the findings of a larger research programme carried out by the University of Valencia, on the experiences with such collaboration towards Algeria, Bulgaria, Colombia, Ecuador, Mali, Morocco, Rumania and Senegal.

A basic finding is that migrant organizations possess a important social capital that could be used much better by both migrant sending and receiving countries.

Senior researcher Ninna Nyberg Sørensen has collaborated with the research programme and written the first chapter of the book, putting migration-development thinking and diaspora cooperation in a critical theoretical perspective.

DIIS Eksperter

Ninna Nyberg Sørensen
Migration og global orden
+45 3269 8961
Problematizando el vínculo entre migración y desarrollo
Diasporas y codesarrollo desde España , Joan Lacomba: , Albolote, Granada: : Editorial Comares S.L., 2015