Forsvar og sikkerhed

DIIS gennemfører hvert år en række forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitiske studier. I fokus er bl.a. cybertrusler, hybride aktører, klima og konflikt samt udfordringer i det globale samarbejde

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • DIIS_Østersøen og Arktis i dansk forsvarspolitik_forside.jpg
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Prioritering er vigtig når behovene er mange og ressourcerne få. Men en styrkelse af dansk forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitik i Arktis må ikke ske på bekostning af Danmarks rolle i Østersøen eller blive en del af nye besparelser.
  • Cover brien counter piracy Guinea Bay
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Climate change, illegal fishing, and environmental damage all contribute to the lack of security that coastal populations in the Gulf of Guinea suffer from. To Denmark, as well as several other European countries, the Gulf of Guinea remains an important region for commercial shipping. To enhance responses to piracy and crime at sea it is necessary to take a holistic approach which also considers the lack of opportunities for making a legal and sustainable living in the region.
  • Gaza_war_damage_2023
    Hvad er målet med krigen i Gaza?
  • Big Loop of Saar River near Orscholz, Mettlach, Saarland, Germany, Europe
    DIIS Auditorium
    Power, theory and practice are each inescapable for understanding international relations. In the case of all three, Stefano Guzzini's contributions have been core to advancing scholarship
  • Amerikanske soldater i Irak
    Den vestlige støtte til sikkerhedssektorreform har ændret sig siden den USA-ledede krig i Irak, men ønsket om at påvirke krig og fred består. Og Ukrainekrigen illustrerer, at ny teknologi og staternes manglende monopol på involvering i nye sikkerhedssektorreformer skaber et behov for nytænkning.
  • Myanmar people waiting outside prison
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar discusses what it means for people in Myanmar to ‘live with crisis’ in the context of escalating and intersecting forms of crisis
  • Issittumi silap pissusianik ilisimatusarnerit nunat akornanni politikkikkut nalorninartorsiorfiupput
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Ruslandip nunallu killiit attaveqarnermikkut unittooqqanerat Issittumut politikkikkut ilisimatusarnikkullu sunniutaat imaannaanngillat. Piffissanngorpoq eqqarsaatigissallugu nunat akornanni politikkikkut avissaartuunneq tamanna silap pissusianik ilisimatusarnermut ilisimatusarnernilu paasissutissanut qanoq atuukkunnaartinneqarsinnaanersoq.
  • DIIS_PB_How African states voted_UK_forside.jpg
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Most African states have not supported United Nations (UN) General Assembly resolutions condemning Russia’s war in Ukraine. To win more support in Africa, the West needs to stress the importance of upholding the territorial integrity norm and engaging African states as equal partners. The West’s engagement on the continent must be about more than ‘containing’ Russia.
  • vietnam-udenrigspolitik-policy-brief
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Vietnam balancerer rivaliseringen mellem USA og Kina gennem et særdeles aktivt diplomati, der omfatter partnerskaber og frihandelsaftaler med særligt asiatiske og europæiske lande. Stormagtsrivaliseringen åbner op for, at EU, herunder Danmark, kan få større indflydelse i forhold til et af Sydøstasiens mest dynamiske lande.
  • China flag on computer keyboard
    Washington is rewriting the rules on outbound investment, but will it help or hinder America’s strategic competition with China?
  • Managing Africa's resources
  • Erdogan and Tyrkish flag
    DIIS, auditorium
    Den 29. oktober fylder Tyrkiet 100 år. Hvor står Erdogans Tyrkiet i dag? Og hvordan forholder det sig til Atatürks Tyrkiet fra 1923? Kom til gå-hjem seminar og hør om, hvad Tyrkiets 100-årige historie betyder for forholdet til os i Europa i dag, mm.
  • South China sea disputes, water cannon against Philippines
    DIIS, Auditorium
    Viewed as an important strategic waterway from a regional and global perspective, the South China Sea has long constituted a critical arena for various maritime and territorial disputes that are now resurfacing.
  • Paying the price
    Major new study reveals how al-Shabaab and government-affiliated actors extract wealth from trade and vulnerable populations.
  • Bogforside af Lars Erslev
    Reception fra kl. 17.00-18.00
    I anledning af udgivelsen af bogen 'Den amerikanske mission. Mytologi og magt' af Lars Erslev Andersen organiserer DIIS seminar om USA’s globale rolle i en verdensorden under hastig forandring. Seminaret bliver efterfulgt af reception, der samtidig markerer, at Lars Erslev Andersen 4. juli kunne fejre 40 års jubilæum i statens tjeneste.
  • Cover Cyber espionage DIIS Report 2023 04.jpg
    DIIS Report
    The rise of cyber espionage has created new challenges for international law, but states are hesitant to let international law limit their ability to spy online
  • Lake Turkana
    Før var det olie, guld og diamanter, som kolonimagterne hentede på det afrikanske kontinent. I dag efterspørger verden Afrikas grønne mineraler og landområder, hvor der kan udvindes vedvarende energi - men prisen for de afrikanske befolkninger er på mange måder stadig den samme.
  • Children in Uummannaq
    DIIS, auditorium
    To understand what future course, Greenland might be setting itself on, DIIS invites for a seminar with professor Rafael Cox Alomar, expert in comparative constitutional law in the context of decolonization.
  • Mærsk skib bag ved båd
    DIIS, auditorium
    Two years after a Danish warship was deployed in West Africa to fight piracy, DIIS takes stock of counter-piracy efforts in the Gulf of Guinea. It focuses on the prospects of using private security to protect international shipping vessels
  • Forside brief sydkinesiske hav
    DIIS Policy Brief
    De uløste stridigheder i det Sydkinesiske Hav er på vej ind i en mere konfliktfyldt fase især ansporet af Kinas kontroversielle krav og fremfærd. Der står meget på spil – fundamentale havretsprincipper, USAs voksende involvering, kritiske maritime hovedfærdselsårer – og derfor bør den danske regering vende kikkerten mod det Sydkinesiske Hav.
  • Demonstration Palæstina
    Modstanden er det eneste, det internationale samfund og Israel har efterladt til palæstinenserne. Efterladt og omgivet af arabiske stater, der prioriterer diplomatiske forbindelser til Israel, ville palæstinenserne til sidst indse, at de havde tabt deres sag, sagde Netanyahu i februar. Denne proces har Hamasangrebet sat på pause eller ligefrem sønderskudt. Nu er alle de tendenser til afspænding i Mellemøsten, som i længere tid havde været i gang, kortsluttet.
  • journal of arctic and climate security studies
    The writing of an Arctic chapter in the US autobiography
  • Energy without Russia
    The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
  • Den amerikanske mission
    Ny bog går bag om den amerikanske sikkerhedspolitik og beskriver, hvordan den er formet af protestantisme og myter om civilisation og magt.
  • cover.png
    DIIS Policy Brief
    The frozen relations between Russia and the West have serious ramifications in the Arctic, politically and scientifically. It is time to think of ways to exempt climate science and data from this geopolitical split.
  • puzzle, china, denmark, finland
    How relations between China and the Nordic-Baltic countries were disrupted
  • puzzle, china, denmark, finland
    De nordisk-baltiske landes forhold til Kina har ændret sig dramatisk de seneste år i takt med at sikkerhedspolitiske bekymringer og menneskerettighedsspørgsmål har overskygget samarbejdsrelationerne.
  • charlotte-epstein-book-cover-of-birth-of-state
    Global virtuel book launch on the new book 'Birth of the State: The Place of the Body in Crafting Modern Politics' by Charlotte Epstein
  • charlotte-epstein-book-cover-of-birth-of-state
    Book launch and reception on the new book by Charlotte Epstein
  • Skitse illustration af energiøen i Danmark
    Attend via Zoom
    How may the green transition alter energy security balance in the Baltic Sea region?
  • book How China Loses by Luke Patey
    Al Jazeera (Arabic) interviewed DIIS senior researcher Luke Patey about his new book, "How China Loses: The Pushback against Chinese Global Ambitions", and China’s relations across the world
  • US and china tech battle
    This webinar brings together two of Europe’s leading experts on China and technology to discuss the US-China tech race and the consequences for Europe
  • translations of security book cover
    DIIS - Auditorium
    How to understand security in chaotic times
  • Ronald Reagan at Durenberger Rally by Michael Evans
    DIIS Auditorium
    Book talk on human rights, democracy promotion, and U.S. interventionism in the late Cold War
  • tyrkey demonstration with flags and a book cover
    DIIS Auditorium
    Presentation of Soner Cagaptay’s new book “A Sultan in Autumn: Erdogan Faces the Uncontainable Forces of Turkey” and a discussion on the mounting challenges to President Erdogan’s rule
  • bog af lars erslev oprør og alliancer mellemøsten efter det arabiske forår
    Auditoriet - DIIS
    Kom til boglancering for seniorforsker Lars Erslev Andersens nye bog og bliv klogere på, hvor Mellemøsten er på vej hen
  • Transnational Jihad – Explaining Escalation and Containment, photo by getmilitaryphotos
    This seminar takes stock of the global jihadi movement 20 years after 9/11. Leading scholars will share their thoughts on the internal debates and divisions within the jihadi movement today.
  • Remains of the World Trade Center
    DIIS Auditorie
    Hvad gjorde 11. september ved Vestens syn på krig, sikkerhed og soldaten?
  • No drones
    DIIS - Auditorium
    Hør Google, Facebook, Danmarks Tech-ambassadør og Institut for Menneskerettigheder diskutere hvordan vi sikrer, at ny teknologi understøtter demokrati og civilsamfund verden over
  • book How China Loses by Luke Patey
    China, the United States, the European Union, and India in a changing global order
  • west africa
    Online via Zoom
    It matters how the dynamics of West Africa are discussed. Join this webinar to understand why, and hear more about appropriate responses to some of the main challenges that the region is facing.
  • Logo - DIIS og Oxford University
    KUN livestream - ingen fysisk deltagelse!
    Hvor vigtigt er det, at Danmark deltager i internationale indsatser?
  • Photo
    This webinar launches the publication “Religion, Conflict and Global Society – A Festschrift Celebrating Mark Juergensmeyer” edited by Mona Kanwal Sheikh and Isak Svensson. Some of the distinguished contributors and Mark Juergensmeyer will address the themes that the book takes up, such as conceptual debates on secularism, cosmic war, and the globalization of Global Studies.
  • How can we overcome the root causes of piracy?
    Previous streamed webinar
    A conversation with scholars on maritime security
  • Pipes for the construction of the Nord Stream 2
    When do energy projects transform from everyday technical matters to security issues? Is energy increasingly becoming a matter of international security dynamics? Join this panel discussion with experts with a specific view to the two gas pipeline projects currently under construction in the Baltic Sea.
  • OSCE
    Gender, conflict settlement and democratization. Take a look inside the 2021 OSCE catalogue as we open the doors to the world’s largest regional security organization and give you three prominent speakers
  • Narsaq, Greenland. Photo: Andrew Testa/Ate03040grn/Ritzau Scanpix
    A discussion based on the new Policy Brief 'Greenland’s minerals to consolidate China’s rare earth dominance?'
  • Ethiopia_Welcome_Ceremony_Tigray
    Online via Zoom
    This webinar sets out to discuss the latest developments in Tigray as well as the international community’s options for intervention
  • Rome, Funeral of the Italian diplomat in the, Congo, Luca Attanasio. Photo: Sipa USA/Alamy Live News
    Peer Schouten on the many factors that may have led up to this tragic event
  • Biden Pixabay
    Vibeke Tjalve om Bidens demokrati-projekt