Forsvar og sikkerhed

DIIS gennemfører hvert år en række forsvars- og sikkerhedspolitiske studier. I fokus er bl.a. cybertrusler, hybride aktører, klima og konflikt samt udfordringer i det globale samarbejde

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock
    The German Embassy, Göteborg Plads 1, 2150 Copenhagen
    Panel debate on current developments in Danish and German foreign, security and defence policy
  • kenya food distribution via fingerprint tech system
    DIIS Auditorium
    How do NGOs use algorithms and data-driven tools for predictive analysis in their humanitarian response?
  • US-China tech
    DIIS Auditorium
    From climate change to artificial intelligence, China will need to play an important role if the world is to meet its mounting ecological and technological challenges. But how should we balance cooperation and competition with an assertive China?
  • søkabler-illustration-grønland
    Online via Zoo
    I digitaliserede samfund har internetblackouts katastrofale konsekvenser. Det gælder også i Grønland, hvor kun to søkabler forbinder landet. Derfor stiller dette webinar skarpt på, hvordan internet-forsyningssikkerheden kan øges
  • Ministry of Livestock, Somaliland
    DIIS Auditorium
    A retrospective seminar with and for senior researcher Finn Stepputat
  • Helene Maria Kyed and Ninna Nyberg Sørensen share MyClimate research findings at Folkemødet in Denmark
    Research findings
    Helene Maria Kyed shares MyClimate research findings at Folkemødet in Denmark
  • cyber spionage
    Auditorium, DIIS
    De fleste lande har hidtil været tavse om lovligheden af spionage. Men nu er flere lande begyndt at dele deres syn på, hvordan man kan og bør regulere cyberspionage. Seminaret her stiller skarpt på legaliteten og legitimiteten af cyberspionage.
  • Livestreaming
    DIIS Auditorium
    When disaster strike, diaspora groups are often first responders and remain engaged during lengthy and complex crises. Join this roundtable where we discuss practices, possibilities and pitfalls
  • Trade makes states book cover
    DIIS Auditorium
    The control of trade and transport is key to statemaking. A new book suggests that this, rather than the control of people and territory, can make or unmake state projects in areas like Somalia. This seminar introduces the ideas behind the book
  • Putin and Xi meeting Moscow
    Researcher explains why great powers like China and India challenge international order.
  • book confronting the Caliphate
    DIIS Auditorium
    Occupying a square to prevent the Sharia-judge from amputating a teenager’s hand, spraying forbidden graffiti at public buildings, secretly listening to nonreligious music at home, or shouting anti-jihadist slogans with hundreds of others at a public protest: these are only a few examples of a much larger range of nonviolent resistance behavior displayed by civilians who have lived under the repressive rule of jihadists
  • Biden's Summit for Democracy
    DIIS Auditorium
    In this seminar, leading international experts take stock of Joe Biden’s Summit for Democracy initiative in the shadow of the war in Ukraine, which has exacerbated the tensions between democracy and authoritarianism
  • Albania in the UN Security Council
    Denmark has launched its campaign for the UNSC in 2025-2026 but what can Denmark hope to achieve in the UN Security Council if elected?
  • Book cover - Nuclear bodies. The Global Hibakusha by Robert A. Jacobs
    During the Cold War 2.000 nuclear bombs were detonated. At this seminar, Professor Robert Jacobs presents his latest work on the consequences and legacies of the hidden, limited nuclear war waged against indigenous and former colonial populations
  • Putins krig bogforside
    DIIS Auditorium
    Kom bag om ’Putins krig’, når Niels Bo Poulsen og Flemming Splidsboel Hansen fortæller om de dele af den russiske militære kultur, der har været afgørende for Ruslands invasion af Ukraine, og hvordan krigen senere er forløbet
  • UN Security Council meeting Zelensky
    A year into Russia's war in Ukraine and with the UN Security Council caught up in great power rivalry, this event explores strategies available to non-permanent elected members of the UN Security Council to exert influence
  • Blinken og Lavrov corona greeting
    Online via Zoom
    This webinar brings together officials and experts from Denmark, Greenland, Norway and Finland to discuss the current and future state of the Arctic Council following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
  • Danske soldater i Afghanistan øvelse
    DIIS inviterer til et offentligt seminar om samtænkning af de civile og militære indsatser i Afghanistan. Temadrøftelsen er et led i den igangværende uvildige historiske udredning af Danmarks indsats i Afghanistan i perioden fra 2001 til 2021
  • afghanistan-udredning-forskere
    DIIS Nyhed
    I forbindelse med udredningen om Danmarks deltagelse i krigen i Afghanistan afholdt DIIS den 8. til 9. december 2022 en workshop for en række forskere og eksperter tilknyttet udredninger og evalueringer i Holland, Norge, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tyskland og USA. For at sikre den fortsatte vidensdeling tog DIIS samtidig initiativ til etablering af et netværk for Afghanistan-udredninger.
  • Drought in Somalia Dead animal because of climate change
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar brings together scholars and practitioners to discuss pathways for a broadened climate security agenda on fragile states centered on addressing livelihood and security needs of populations
  • Tank, Krigen i Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    The seminar explores the underlying causes of Russia’s war in Ukraine and discusses its implications for international order, with a special focus on the UN system
  • Massebegravelse i Ukraine
    DIIS Auditorium
    Explaining state terror and atrocities, from Nazi Germany to the war in Ukraine
  • Megatrends i Rummet workshop
    Anbefalinger, Forskningsprojekt, Video
    Hvad venter der os i rummet? Udviklingen går disse år stærkt, og også Danmark søger del i rummets teknologiske, kommercielle og grønne muligheder. Men domænet er under forandring og de politiske grundbetingelser uafgjorte. Vi udforskede rummets megatrends på denne workshop 17. november 2022.
  • Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at NATO Madrid Summit 2022
    DIIS Auditorium
    In an unpredictable and contested security environment, defining the major security challenges and strategic priorities is crucial. But does NATO's strategic concept represent fundamental change or is it business as expected?
  • Indo-Pacific map
    DIIS Auditorium
    Asiens geopolitiske landkort er under hastig forandring i takt med at stormagtsrivaliseringen mellem USA og Kina intensiveres - implikationerne for Europa og Danmark er vidtrækkende.