International politik

Politisk autoritet og magtmekanismer rækker ind over flere policy områder mens evnen til at handle i fællesskab forekommer svækket. Centrale principper og institutioner der konstituerer vores verdensorden bliver konstant genforhandlet. Hvad og hvem styrer den globale orden? Hvad er de mest fremtrædende karakteristika ved global politik i dag?

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • City in China with beautiful sky
    Beijing’s position on the war in Ukraine and their building of strong partnerships in Central Asia can give us some of the answer
  • Nuclear disarmament demonstration
    Five prominent international experts offer their reflections on the threat of nuclear war and the prospects of nuclear arms reductions
  • UN Security Council - Norway
    DIIS, Auditorium
    How small states can navigate the UNSC in the new era of great power rivalry
  • Ursula von der Leyen og Volodymyr Zelenskyj
    DIIS, Auditorium
    Per Stig Møller og Martin Lidegaard i samtale med Flemming Splidsboel
  • Ukraine soldier
    DIIS, Auditorium
    I begyndelsen af juni runder krigen i Ukraine 100 dage. Omfattende forandringer er sket, og meget er på spil. Militærforsker Anders Puck Nielsen og seniorforsker Flemming Splidsboel Hansen kigger nærmere på krigens militære og politiske status samt fremtidige konsekvenser
  • Photo by anonymised photographer from Myanmar
    Webinar on the ongoing struggle for recognition, democracy, and justice in Myanmar.
  • Bilateral meeting between NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and US Vice President Joe Biden
    From Trump to Biden
  • arktis-set-fra-rummet
    Nyt forskningsprojekt
    I et nyt forskningsprojekt skal post.doc. Marc Jacobsen undersøge, hvordan Danmark og Grønland sammen og hver for sig håndterer Arktis’ nye geopolitiske nøgleposition.
  • puzzle, china, denmark, finland
    How relations between China and the Nordic-Baltic countries were disrupted
  • Mining in Congo
    DIIS Auditorium
    Extractive industries in the Anthropocene
  • puzzle, china, denmark, finland
    De nordisk-baltiske landes forhold til Kina har ændret sig dramatisk de seneste år i takt med at sikkerhedspolitiske bekymringer og menneskerettighedsspørgsmål har overskygget samarbejdsrelationerne.
  • charlotte-epstein-book-cover-of-birth-of-state
    Global virtuel book launch on the new book 'Birth of the State: The Place of the Body in Crafting Modern Politics' by Charlotte Epstein
  • charlotte-epstein-book-cover-of-birth-of-state
    Book launch and reception on the new book by Charlotte Epstein
  • book How China Loses by Luke Patey
    Al Jazeera (Arabic) interviewed DIIS senior researcher Luke Patey about his new book, "How China Loses: The Pushback against Chinese Global Ambitions", and China’s relations across the world
  • US and china tech battle
    This webinar brings together two of Europe’s leading experts on China and technology to discuss the US-China tech race and the consequences for Europe
  • Ronald Reagan at Durenberger Rally by Michael Evans
    DIIS Auditorium
    Book talk on human rights, democracy promotion, and U.S. interventionism in the late Cold War
  • tyrkey demonstration with flags and a book cover
    DIIS Auditorium
    Presentation of Soner Cagaptay’s new book “A Sultan in Autumn: Erdogan Faces the Uncontainable Forces of Turkey” and a discussion on the mounting challenges to President Erdogan’s rule
  • bog af lars erslev oprør og alliancer mellemøsten efter det arabiske forår
    Auditoriet - DIIS
    Kom til boglancering for seniorforsker Lars Erslev Andersens nye bog og bliv klogere på, hvor Mellemøsten er på vej hen
  • Transnational Jihad – Explaining Escalation and Containment, photo by getmilitaryphotos
    This seminar takes stock of the global jihadi movement 20 years after 9/11. Leading scholars will share their thoughts on the internal debates and divisions within the jihadi movement today.
  • Remains of the World Trade Center
    DIIS Auditorie
    Hvad gjorde 11. september ved Vestens syn på krig, sikkerhed og soldaten?
  • Webinar
    Via Zoom
    Webinar with Niva Yau from the OSCE Academy and Dr. Andrea Ghiselli, assistant professor at Fudan University
  • No drones
    DIIS - Auditorium
    Hør Google, Facebook, Danmarks Tech-ambassadør og Institut for Menneskerettigheder diskutere hvordan vi sikrer, at ny teknologi understøtter demokrati og civilsamfund verden over
  • book How China Loses by Luke Patey
    China, the United States, the European Union, and India in a changing global order
  • Webinar
    How is the law and the justice system employed by the military junta? And what are the aspirations for justice in the popular resistance to the coup?
  • Photo
    This webinar launches the publication “Religion, Conflict and Global Society – A Festschrift Celebrating Mark Juergensmeyer” edited by Mona Kanwal Sheikh and Isak Svensson. Some of the distinguished contributors and Mark Juergensmeyer will address the themes that the book takes up, such as conceptual debates on secularism, cosmic war, and the globalization of Global Studies.
