Europa og Nordamerika

Forholdet mellem USA og Europa er under pres. Det transatlantiske samarbejde er udfordret, og EU udvikler et stadig tættere samarbejde om bl.a. forsvar og sikkerhed. Hvor stiller det Danmark? DIIS' forskning fokuserer på Europa og det transatlantiske forhold.

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • A_model_in_Abaya
    DIIS Comment
    France’s law prohibiting wearing items of clothing or signs expressing religious affiliation turns twenty years next year. This is an opportunity to look back at the law itself, and to consider its effects upon the French polity. The 2004 law enshrined an intransigent and narrow secularism, so insecure that it cannot accommodate the expression of differences.
  • Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock
    The German Embassy, Göteborg Plads 1, 2150 Copenhagen
    Panel debate on current developments in Danish and German foreign, security and defence policy
  • kenya food distribution via fingerprint tech system
    DIIS Auditorium
    How do NGOs use algorithms and data-driven tools for predictive analysis in their humanitarian response?
  • US-China tech
    DIIS Auditorium
    From climate change to artificial intelligence, China will need to play an important role if the world is to meet its mounting ecological and technological challenges. But how should we balance cooperation and competition with an assertive China?
    This was highlighted by reactions to AUKUS, the Australian-British-American military partnership, aiming to contain China
  • Cover for brief on China and microchip production
    DIIS Policy Brief
    American and allied export controls have been successful in slowing the advance of China’s equipment for semiconductor chip production. Chinese players have been increasingly cut off from a global industry where customer-client interaction is essential. The US and its allies should continue with the controls and subsidies they have in place but expanding them further, as some advocate, would be excessively punitive.
  • Cover for the brief on EU´s space initiatives
    DIIS Policy Brief
    The increasing commercialisation and militarisation of outer space has intensified geopolitical competition and is re-shaping international relations. Public and private actors are increasingly looking to emerging technologies to gain a technological edge. This brief explores the topic of experimentation with emerging technologies in outer space and why EU decision-makers should address the main risks and implications of this development.
  • Computerchips
    Trin for trin og teknologi for teknologi eskalerer konfrontationen mellem de to supermagter. Det er ikke godt for dem – for Europa eller for den grønne dagsorden. Det er tid til at stoppe op og tænke sig om.
  • china-response-us-tech-war
    DIIS Policy Brief
    The closing of detours
  • Cover til brief om Tysklands nye sikkerhedsstrategi
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Tysklands første sikkerhedsstrategi er baseret på ideen om en ’integreret sikkerhed’. Mens strategiens ambitiøse pejlemærker om øget robusthed, resiliens og bæredygtighed har stor relevans for Danmark, giver den ikke fornøden klarhed over den overordnede sikkerhedspolitiske retning, som Europas største land ser for sig selv.
  • Cover DIIS WP 2023 05.jpg
    DIIS Working Paper
    Når Ukraine-krigen engang har fundet sin afslutning, vil Danmark stå over for en lang periode med ustabilitet i vores nærområde. Dette arbejdspapir udfolder risici og scenarier i en analyse af terræn, militær, russisk tilstedeværelse, energivåbnet, informationskrig og EU og NATO's udfordringer.
  • Blinken møder Qin
    Kina og USA fik ikke for alvor nærmet sig hinanden med udenrigsminister Blinkens besøg i Beijing. Dertil er deres indbyrdes forhold grundlæggende alt for konfliktfyldt. Alligevel følger hele verden intenst med fra sidelinjen, fordi fraværet af politisk dialog kan fremskynde en koldkrigslignende rivalisering, hvor andre lande tvinges til at vælge side mellem Beijing og Washington.
  • European Political Community, European Union
    Online via Zoom
    Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has upended the political constellation of the wider Europe. In the wake of the invasion, The European Political Community (EPC) was launched in October 2022 by 44 European countries, including all 27 EU member states. The EPC's establishment raises new questions about the European security architecture and institutional alignment in light of Russia’s invasion. At this webinar we take a closer look at what this new body can and cannot achieve.
  • Kirunaminen i Sverige
    Can the European Union overcome its deep reliance on China’s critical minerals supply chain?
  • Livestreaming
    DIIS Auditorium
    When disaster strike, diaspora groups are often first responders and remain engaged during lengthy and complex crises. Join this roundtable where we discuss practices, possibilities and pitfalls
  • Cover for brief on EPC
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Putting politics first?
  • Både ved strand
    DIIS Auditorium
    Autoetnography is emerging as a trend in current research. Come and reflect on the different ways to use personal experience and positionality with four migration scholars
  • Cover DIIS Report 2023 02.jpg
    DIIS Report
    Putin’s war in Ukraine has pushed EU member states to revamp collective energy and climate action
  • Pexels. Jens Mahnke.
    USA står uden en samlende fortælling om, hvad USA er og hvilken rolle landet vil spille i verden. Så længe det er uafklaret, vil det underminere USA's magtposition, skriver Rasmus Sinding Søndergaard i denne artikel, der har været bragt i Samfundsfagsnyt.
  • wagner-afrika-policy-brief
    DIIS Policy Brief
    En retmæssig kritik af Wagnergruppen bør ledsages af et kritisk blik indad og en gentænkning af liberale aktørers egne strategier og tilgange.
  • cover CJIR
    Amidst Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Czech EU Council presidency navigated energy and climate agendas, prioritizing security of supply and fostering long-term policy alignment between Eastern and Western Europe, writes senior researcher Izabela Surwillo.
  • Cover Geopolitics
    New research unpacks how 'felt externalization' translates into human rights abuses, environmental crises, and death
  • Danske perspektiver på Kina
    Stormagtsrivaliseringen mellem USA og Kina er et nyt grundvilkår – også for Danmarks forhold til Kina.
  • Biden's Summit for Democracy
    DIIS Auditorium
    In this seminar, leading international experts take stock of Joe Biden’s Summit for Democracy initiative in the shadow of the war in Ukraine, which has exacerbated the tensions between democracy and authoritarianism